A Impossible Reality

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So there's a rumor that itachi may be around here?

"Do you think i'm a idiot of course he is around here I sence his chakra not too far from here along with another. But please Y/N be my guest if you feel like you are so much better than me go ahead and check for yourself im sure your byakugan can see that far"

"Fine Karin if you are gonna be such a snarky bitch maybe I will i was going to say I trust you but now I will since you so desperatly need validation"

Both of us scoffed and Jugo and Suigetsu just stared being too scared too interfere with our squabble meanwhile Sasuke just gave his famous side eye and continued on with walking twoard Itachis path.

To be honest I dont know if I will make it out of this fight alive somthing in me just feels as if I wont be strong enough to face him. What if I get nervous and my jitters get the best of me or I fumble on the battle field. I hope sasuke doesnt have to save me. I dont need to be saved. All I need is to have revenge. To attain my sins and tell my brother the truth and the whole truth. I just want Neji to love me again. What if killing Itachi deosnt aton to my sins of not being able to protect her. I wish I could have done more for her... for Neji... for Lee.

"Wait!" Karin screamed causing all of us too freeze in place

"Ah I see your sensory type ninjas sasuke are quite keen, and if it isnt my favorite baby shark suigetsu never thought id get to meet one of the legendary swords mens little brother yet here we are. Tsk Tsk Tsk and if it isnt Y/N herself the pathetic little girl who couldnt even save her mommy Haha"

My teeth grinded and my blood started to boil I know this man wanted to get on my nerves my this wasnt the time to go bazerk I need to save it for Itachi I cant freak out, I need to keep my composure... Just breath Y/N just breath it'll be fine hes just trying to get on my nerves. Small breaths in and out in and out.

As I was trying to keep a level head and not attacking this shark man I felt a cold hand hit my shoulder the scent of peppermint and pine trees blew through my nose and I immediately knew it was sasuke trying to tell me hes there. Although Lee isnt around Saukes slight comfort does make me feel better at my darkest times. He may not be as warm and cheerful as Lee but sometimes the little things are what count and sasuke is great at little things.

(Author note I laughed a little to hard at that statement)

"So you are Kisame I presume, Itachis partner correct?" Sasuke never faultered from his cold stare glaring straight into the Shark mans eyes

"Why yes I am Kisame Hoshigaki from the village Hidden in the Mist, but im not the reason your here are you sasuke hmm. Your here for your older brother Itachi am I right?"

"Tell me Kisame why are you asking such stupid quistions when you already know the answer let me say it makes you look foolish and weak." Karin protested

"Hm so you are here for Itachi too bad I wanted to battle you aswell and test my strength well if you really want to know hes just up that way north in the Uchihas old hideout. Though Itachi told me everyone has to stay here besides you and the Hyuga clan brat."

"What no! SASUKE! You cant just leave us here what if you need protection. What if you need our help!" Karin was pleading with Sasuke but neither Sasuke or Kisame were going to let that happen.

"I"ll be fine Karin Im going to kill my brother and avenge my clan and bring light to the Uchiha clans name cause I am a Avenger. Lets go Y/N were wasting time."

"Right lets go Sasuke!" As I turned around i saw Karin almost foaming at the mouth while Suigetsu sort of seemed worried but content as Jugo minded his own buisness and just kept a eye on Kisame in case of a fight broke out.

"You ready for this Y/N?"\

"Im as ready as i'll ever be."

As we made our way to the hideout and Itachi I started getting nervous but I kept my uneasyness to myself i'd rather sasuke be focused on Itachi and not me. This is imprtant for him and me. Lets just hope this can go as smoothly as a fight with Itachi could which in perspective anything with him doesnt really go great.

I used my byakugan to scan for the elder brother and quickly sound him sitting in a room just staring into space. I couldnt tell if he sensed us yet but I surely could feel his presence.

Once sasuke and I both entered the room Itcahi looked at us from the throne he was sitting upon. He had look of sadness that only lasted a second until as quick as a blink his face contored back into one of a stone cold killer.

"Hello Sasuke.. Y/N. Its been awhile hasn't it. So how does it feel that you are a outcast since everyone belives you caused your mothers death huh.. what was her name again?" Itachis blank stare turned cold


"Hm you sacraficed everything to just be loved by your family and when I killed your mother everyone just hated you more didnt they. People dont always understand of comprehend the truth youd understand that Y/N wouldnt you?"

"You know nothing about me!" Tears stream down my face becoming more like a hurricane then a light shower

"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts... Their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?" 

"Do you undertand Y/N your figment of reality may just be a facade just a blip in existance"

"YOU KILLED HER, I KNOW WHAT I SAW YOU ARE A MONSTER IN A HUMAN SHELL! All you want is to kill me just like how you killed my mother."

"Let me ask you this Y/N. We dont know what kind of poeple we truly are unitl the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. Thats what death is, dont you think?

Before Itachi could say anymore Sasuke as if he were flash, flung twoard itachi weilding his blade ready to kill him right there and then but of course... Itachi would never be that easy to to defeat. 



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