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It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit🫶
~ Harry S Truman

76) Travel boosts brain health and also decreases
a person's risk of heart attack and depression.

77)People look more attractive when they speak
about the things, they are interested in.

78) Women who have mostly male friends stay
in a good mood more often.

79) The happier we are, the less sleep we require.
(I require sleep either way 😂)

80) People who have a strong sense of guilt are
better at understanding other people's
thoughts and feelings.

80) People who have a strong sense of guilt arebetter at understanding other people'sthoughts and feelings

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"Your brain does more creative work when
you're tired."

According to research by psychologist Mareike Wieth, associate professor of psychology at Albion College, we are more creative in the afternoons or other times when we are a little tired or groggy and unable to hone our focus. This diffuse attention allows us to think more creatively.

If interested, read further:


Have a great day ahead 🦋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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