Epilogue - A New Life

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Angelica POV

6 Months Later

I sat in the air conditioned court room, my lawyer sitting beside me. Today was the day. Today they would receive there sentence for my kidnapping. The police didn’t have anything else on them although I know that there must have been a few unsolved cases out there that they had been responsible for. The judge was concluding the entire hearing and after six months of coming to this court room day after day I let out a huge sigh. Not a day had gone by where I didn’t have at least one member of the paparazzi at my doorstep. I must have received over one hundred letters of hate mail every day from One Direction fans. I had been looking forward to this day since forever. They were finally going to pay for everything and yet I sit here and find myself feeling guilty. I was second guessing myself. Could I really do this? Could I really put five of the biggest celebrities in jail for 15 years? I shook my head. I wasn’t thinking straight; of course I could, after what they had put me through. My mind flicked back to the last time I had been here. I shuffled in my seat a little restless at the memory. I had been so nervous that Collety was going to walk free but he hadn’t and neither would they. Just because they were celebrities didn’t mean anything, celebrities went to jail all the time. I turned my attention back to what the judge was saying. Something about the beating I took in which Zayn had found my scar, although that last part had been left out of the official statement. Apparently he had stopped because I had lost consciousness. My mind wondered back to second guessing itself and even though I tried so hard to divert my thinking, I couldn’t. I looked over at them all, the five boys sitting there, looking slightly nervous as to what the verdict would be; guilty or not guilty. I looked behind me and saw Mum, Dad, Brian and Josh. They were all waiting nervously as well. I smiled at Josh as I caught his attention. He smiled back and I felt good but yet guilt filled my entire body.

“Your honour.” I said, abruptly standing up and interrupting the judge in the middle of her speech.

“Sit down.” She said, in a stern voice.

“I’m sorry your honor but I cannot go through with this. I would like to drop all the charges. I wasn’t kidnapped I… I… I ran away.” I lied.

“I’m sorry?” The judge asked a little surprise. I could feel the whole courtroom take in a deep breath and my lawyer grabbed my arm, pulling me down but I shook him off.

“I ran away. That night I met Louis at a bar and he gave me his number and I called him up later that night and asked him to help me so he did. He brought the others and they helped me run away. Everything was a hoax. I wasn’t happy with my life and I wanted to run away and leave it behind for something better. Louis and the boys said that they would help me with that.”

“Would you care to explain the cuts and bruises you obtained during your stay and also the video that was sent to you family, partner and the police?”

“I got caught in a car crash on the way to the hotel and the boys helped me get better. I hadn’t planned on staying with them but I wasn’t fit to travel alone. The video was my idea. I made them do it just to make my parents think that I wasn’t coming home. I had told them to pretend to kill me but they wouldn’t go through with it. Most of it is CGI anyway.” I explained, lying directly to everyone in the court. I didn’t look over but I knew that the boys were in a little bit of shock. “So, your honor, I would like to drop all the charges.” I finished

“I guess. If that is what you say happened then I am sorry for wasting everybody’s time. This case is dismissed. One Direction you are free to go, all charges placed against you by the state have been dropped. Goodbye.” The judge said. The court room stood up as the judge stood and left. I grabbed my stuff and quickly ran out of the courtroom before anyone could stop me. I rushed out of the court house and was met with an onslaught of paparazzi, yelling questions over the top of each other. I just ignored them and pushed my way through them.

“Oh, my gosh. It’s One Direction.” Someone in the crowd called out and everybody pushed past me and up to the top of the steps to get a comment from One Direction. I didn’t turn around I just head straight for my car and headed home, ready to pack to fly back to my home in Australia tomorrow morning.


There was a knock on my door. It wasn’t Josh, he had been by before and I had explained everything to him then. It wasn’t my family because I had talked to them over the phone only ten minutes ago. I walked to the door and opened it surprised to find One Direction standing on my porch with chocolates and flowers.

“Hi.” I said.

“May we come in?” Zayn asked

“Um, no.” I said. I moved to shut the door in their faces but Niall stopped me.

“We came to say thank you.” He said. I opened up the door again and looked out.

“And did you really think that I would just say you’re welcome and invite you into my house and we could sit down and have tea and scones and those disgustingly horrible little cucumber sandwiches and then we would all be friends?” I asked the whole thing a little over dramatic but that was the point.

“Yeah. We kind of did.” Louis spoke up.

“Well you thought wrong. You know what I want to happen right now?” I demanded.

“What?” Liam asked, shyly.

“I want you to turn around and not look back. I want to close this door and never have to see your faces again, or have to listen to your voices or anything. I want to move on and try and go back to a life I once had. I don’t want to have anything to do with you. I don’t want your thank you. I don’t need your thank you. All I want is a house with just me and Josh and I want my own children and I want to spoil them rotten. I want to live on the coast and become a writer and I want to never have to look back on this part of my life. I want to just make it feel like it never happened. I wish every single day that I could go back to the time before I was kidnapped by Collety because unlike you guys I can’t just forget about him. He branded me and made me his. He gave me scars that will never go away and that one day I will have to explain to my kids. What I did in the courtroom today I did for my own reasons. I didn’t do it for you, I did it for me. So please, save your breath for someone who actually cares. I don’t want you in my life ok? So just please leave. What I did in the courtroom today was enough. I just want to move on.” They nodded.

“Well keep the chocolates and flowers anyway. We don’t need them.” Zayn protested.

“Fine. But only if you promise to leave and never turn back.” They nodded. I took the chocolate and the flowers and slammed the door in their faces without another word. I waited until I heard them leave and then I slid down the door and cried. I would never forget them. I guess I would just have to move on. I was about to start a family. I had told Josh two months ago and we were both ready and excited. The diamond ring on my finger still felt weird and made me jitterish but I didn’t care because if this was me moving on then I know I am going to enjoy it.

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