Chapter 12 - Now And Forever

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Angelica POV

I woke up and looked at my surroundings not remembering where I was. I found I was in Louis’ room and then the memories came flooding back. I looked around for a clock and found one on his bedside table. It was 4 in the afternoon. I got up and put on my underpants and bra. There was a piece of paper taped to the back of the door. I moved closer so I could read it.


You can use one of my tops and shorts if you want clothes.

The boys and I are down stairs.

Come down at soon as you are dressed.

Louis :)

I shook my head and walked over to his wardrobe. I pulled out a button up shirt and a pair of running shorts. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I shrugged, it didn’t look too bad. The shorts fit really well which was a good thing and the shirt just draped around my curves. I brushed my hair and headed downstairs.  The boys were in the living room watching ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: At Stranger Tides’. Niall turned his head from the TV to me as I walked in.

“Hey, can you start putting together something for dinner. I’m hungry.” He said.

“You’re always hungry, Niall.” Zayn said.

“So, that doesn’t mean she can’t make dinner.” I shook my head and walked to the kitchen leaving the boys to their petty fight. I had just pulled out some steak from the freezer when something stopped me in my tracks.

“One Direction. This is the Police. Come out with your hands up and hand over the girl, Angelica Hallcroft.” A male, British, voice boomed through the entire house. I held my breath. Zayn burst into the kitchen, anger obvious across his face. Liam was hot on his heels. Louis followed him and soon all of them were in the kitchen. I grabbed for anything on the counter behind me and to my luck I pulled out a sharp kitchen knife. Zayn pulled out a gun.

“What the hell did you do, you little bitch?” He growled.

“Nothing, I swear.”

“Then how the hell do you think they found us?” He took a step towards me, but held up the knife in my hand. “I have a gun you idiot. Put the knife down or I will shoot you dead right where you stand.” He said. I dropped the knife and let it clatter to the floor.

“One Direction, this is your final warning. Come out with your hands up and hand over the girl or we will come in with force.” Zayn ignored the voice as if it weren’t even there.

“Niall, you take her out the back and get far away from here. We will deal with the Police and meet you at Louis’ tomorrow.” He nodded and moved towards me a pair of handcuffs dangling from his finger. I trembled away, tears streaming down my face.

“You will be ours Angelica, now and forever and don’t ever forget it.” Zayn said. Niall locked the cool metal around my wrists and grabbed my arm dragging me to the back of the house. I saw a gun protruding from the top of his pants. He let go of my arm to open the door and I took my chance. I grabbed the gun and hit Niall in the back of the head causing him to lose consciousness. I grabbed him before he hit the ground so that he wouldn’t make a scene and placed him down on the floor. I opened and shut the door to make it sound like we had left. I searched through his pockets until I had the key to the handcuffs. I strained to get them undone but I eventually did. I put one on Niall’s wrist and the other on the door handle; securing him in place. I picked up the gun and silently moved through the house, avoiding the boys completely. I came to an open window and slipped out moving around to the front and the mass assembly of police. When they saw me, officers came rushing at me. They grabbed me and dragged me back behind there line. I slid down a police car door and took in a deep breath.

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