Chapter 3 - Near Death

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Angelica POV

They had taken the handcuff’s off me a couple hours ago, which had been a huge relief, obvious due to the dark bruises now ringing around my wrists. I was just finishing washing up the last saucepan when Louis came into the kitchen. I turned around and found him rifling through the fridge, his gun just visible at the top of his jeans. I saw my chance and pulled out his gun and held it steadily in my hands. Louis turned around shocked at what had just happened.

“You don’t even know how to use it.” He scoffed, offended that I would even think that I could stand up to them. Fortunately for me he was wrong.

“My dad is an ex-cop. I know exactly how to use one of these.” I retorted. Shock and horror spread across his face but was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

“You wouldn’t hurt me.” He said with an evil smirk. “You hurt me and the others come rushing in.”

“You’re right. You are sooo right.” I quickly re-aimed form his head and shot him in the leg. I grabbed his arm and turned him round so his back was to me and I held the gun to his chin. The others came rushing in just as he had said, guns held in hands, although they were all shocked at the sight they were confronted with.

“Let me go or he dies.” I demanded.

“Bitch, you wouldn’t kill him. You’re too weak.” Zayn growled.

“Put your guns on the floor and slide them to me or I will shot him dead where he stands. One less of whatever you are roaming the streets never did any harm.” They did nothing so I shot Louis in the exact same place I had before. His face scrunched up in pain but he didn’t make a sound. They looked at me stunned. Harry was the first to slide his gun over and eventually the others did the same. I dropped Louis and began emptying the guns at my feet, still keeping my eyes trained on the boys.

“Phone.” I commanded. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a mobile. I snatched it from his hand and stupidly turned my back on the boys to make the call to the cops. I was shoved from behind and when I hit the ground someone kicked the gun from my hand. I suddenly had a knee in my back and my arms being ripped behind me, cuffs being locked onto my wrists. Liam’s strong hand pulled me to my feet by my arm. I made sure not to show the pain that was caused by his steel grip. He pulled me out into the dining room and shoved onto one of the wooden chairs. Zayn came in not a moment later with a kitchen knife in hand.

“Did you honestly think you would get away with that?” he questioned.

“Yes, otherwise why the fuck would I have tried?” I replied, annoyed. He made a large cut straight down my thigh. I showed no pain, instead I ignored it. I would not give him the satisfaction of thinking he could get to me; he didn’t own me, no-one did.

“Ahhh, not showing any pain.” He lent in and I felt his warm breath on my neck. “Big mistake.” He whispered into my ear.

“Try me.” I whispered back, deviously. He pulled back abruptly and slapped me across the face, re-opening the cut he had already made. I spat the blood from my mouth onto the floor at his feet. He raised the knife to my throat. I leant into the blade letting it pierce my skin.

“Go on, Zayn. Be a man. Kill me. Fuel your ego. But when you do always remember. I. Win.” I said with a smile. He took the knife away from my throat and was about to shove it through my heart before Liam stopped him, grabbing his wrist.

“Don’t, otherwise she only gets what she wants.” Liam exclaimed.

“No. She gets what she deserves.” Zayn spat.

“Zayn, go take a walk. Now!” Harry ordered from behind me. Zayn stood his ground for a second but eventually turned around and walked out. I heard the front door slam and let a devilish victory smile spread across my lips just as Harry walked past and looked down at me. He slapped me across the face, wiping the smile straight from it.

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