Chapter 11 - Tonight Let's Get Some...

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Angelica POV

I woke up soaking wet. I opened my eyes and squinted at the light that shone in from the door. When my eyes finally adjusted I looked up and saw Louis standing over with me with an empty bucket in his hand. I rolled over turning my back to him, ignoring the pain the shot through my body. I heard him bend down and I felt his hand reach out and touch my arm. I flinched away, not wanting him anywhere near me after what he had done yesterday.

“Please Angelica, you need to eat.” He said, in an all too friendly tone.

“I’m fine.” I croaked out. My stomach growled just at that moment and I rolled my eyes.

Louis POV

“I’m fine.” She said, he stomach growled and I couldn’t help but smirk.

“No, you’re not. Now, either come willingly or we will pump it straight into your stomach forcefully.” She turned her head and rolled her eyes.

“Fine, whatever.” She said. She propped herself up into a sitting position and I reached out to help her up but she moved out of my grasp. “I’m fine, Louis. I am not some poor, helpless little wreck of a girl like the others were. I am fine.” She stood up without showing any pain and I backed away amazed that she could do that. She walked without a limp up the stairs despite the cut in her leg, which I had given her. She headed to the kitchen but I stopped her.

“No, Niall cooked you something.” She looked at me surprised and then shrugged heading towards the dining room. There on the table sat a steaming plate of bacon, eggs and sausages. She slowly sat down in front of them and began eating. She didn’t scoff it down she just took little bits at a time. She was about half way through when she pushed the plate away from her.

“I’m full.” She said when I gave her a questioning glance. I shrugged, not really in the mood to press the matter.

“Harry wants you in his room.” He said. She nodded and got up and left without another word, still not limping or showing any pain.

Angelica POV

Everything hurt, every inch of my body throbbed in pain but I had made a promise to myself to never let the boys see how much they made me hurt. I moved slowly to Harry’s room trying hard to reduce the pain. I knocked on the door and waited.

“Come in.” He said. I turned the door knob and walked in. “Shut the door.” I turned around and did as he said. I didn’t want to have to feel any more pain; I could barely take what I was feeling now.

“Egh, you look disgusting. Go get cleaned up; have a shower, whatever. I’ll be waiting.” I nodded and headed for the bathroom shutting the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible. My eyes looked dull, my face looked like it had dropped and I looked another 10 years older. I peeled off my clothes and turned on the shower. Once the water had headed to temperature I stepped under the shower head a let the boiling water flow over my body, taking dried blood with it. My cuts stung even more but I ignored it. I finally had all the blood off. I had also washed my hair; with what I was guessing was Harry’s shampoo and conditioner. I stepped out and picked up a towel drying myself off. I looked in the mirror and I didn’t look as bad as before. I dried my hair quickly and looked down to find a back at my feet. It was too small to hold clothes but I opened it anyway. Inside was a pair of underwear and a bra. I put them on and opened the bathroom door, letting steam flow into Harry’s room. I looked around and found him sitting on the bed reading a book. I looked closer and noticed that he was reading ‘City of Bones’ by Cassandra Clare. I loved that book; I couldn’t wait for the movie that they were going to bring out next year. He looked up when I walked in and a smile twitched at the edge of his lips. He bookmarked his page and put the book down.

“I heard something from Zayn and Liam and I want to see if they are right.” I thought about it and I knew exactly what he was talking about. I nodded. He stood up off the bed and walked across the room to me. His hand crept across my cheek and he looked at my eyes and then down at my lips. He brought his mouth to mine and I kissed back straight away. I gave a little more passion than what he was and he got the hint. His hand left my cheek and ran down my side; his other hand doing the same thing. I grabbed at his shirt pulling him closer to me. I pushed him backwards towards the bed. His legs hit the bed and he pulled away. I pulled his shirt up and then as his hands went up in the air I pulled it over his head. My hands slid down his chest and his hands moved down my back. I pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him seductively, kissing up his chest as I went. My lips met his again. He unclipped my bra with just one finger and he flung it to the ground. I was getting used to this, I might even enjoy myself. I thought before our bodies began to move in sync.


I lay there trying to catch my breath a little. Damn, that boy is fine. He stood up and looked around for his boxers.

“Louis wants to see you. Just chuck on the underpants, it’s not like they will stay on long.” I nodded and got up myself. I found my bra on the floor and my underpants in the doorway to the bathroom. I slipped them on and left the room heading two doors down the hall to Louis’. I opened the door without knocking and walked in, shutting it behind myself. Louis sat on his bed in boxers. I took off my bra and threw it to the ground. I walked directly to Louis who sat on the edge of his bed. I knelt over the top of him and smashed my lips into his, my hands riffling through his hair. His hands wrapped around my waist and his kissed back with force. He lay back and I followed. It didn’t take long until we were both naked and just like his three friends before him; I found his tempo and began to move with it, not missing a beat.

Louis POV

I can definitely see what Zayn and Liam had been talking about. That girl was good. She may have been a bitch ninety percent of the time but she knew how to move in bed. At one point I had found myself turned on by her. She lay asleep beside me. I was surprised she had lasted that long, after Harry and what Zayn and I had put her through yesterday she shouldn’t have lasted half that long. She had been sleeping peacefully for a while and I caught myself watching her sleep. I got up and tried to find my boxers. For some unknown reason I found them hanging from my bedroom door. I went over and sat back down on the bed, causing her to stir a little. She looked so pretty right now. Her hair was spread out around the pillow, and her face was so simple and perfect. The sheets came to just above her breasts and her hands rested on her stomach. I shook my head, taking me out of the trance she had suddenly put me in. I didn’t love her and I never would but I had to admit she was kind of hot.

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