Chapter 4 - Too Far

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Liam POV

I sat watching the news. Nothing particularly important, although the kidnap story of Angelica Hallcroft was the main article being broadcasted. It was brought up that this wasn’t the first time but that this time it had nothing to do with her parents. I was slightly confused and going by the looks of Harry and Niall they had no idea what it meant either. I just brushed it off; it wasn’t important. A story came on about One Direction. Our final concert for the whole tour was only two nights away. Then we headed back to England. A picture came up on the screen of us on stage at Sydney, I thought. I looked at Louis in the photo. I wondered how he was. I was certainly not happy that the bitch was up there with him; alone. He was defenseless. I swear if she did something…. I let the thought wonder, enjoying the thought of torturing that girl. She defied us, had gotten to Zayn more than once and she had almost killed Louis all in a matter of just over 24 hours. She wasn’t like the others, she was tougher. I didn’t like it. The anxiety became too much; I got up and went to Louis’ room. I know Harry had told me he would be fine but I had to make sure, that girl is more capable then what we were giving her credit for. I didn’t bother knocking; I just turned the knob and opened the door. I looked in, horrified at the sight I saw. They both lay asleep; Louis in his bed and her on a chair positioned beside the bed, holding hands. This was it, I lost my temper. I stormed over to her, grabbed her arm and flung her across the room straight across the top of Louis’ bed. She woke midair and didn’t realize what was happening until she hit the wall. It took five strides until I was standing beside her; I bent down and clasped my hand around her neck, cutting off her wind pipes.

“You don’t touch him, understand? You don’t seduce him! Do you know how many before you have tried the exact same thing? It never worked and it never will. I’m not stopping Zayn when he gets home. You are all his, whatever he wants to do with you, I don’t care. Are you scared now?” I loosened my grip a little letting her breathe.

“Never… been scared… of… you boys… Never… will.” She gasped out. I let her go and she took a few deeps breaths.

“What the hell is going on?” Louis asked from behind me.

“Nothing she doesn’t deserve.” I replied.

“What is she doing in here anyway?” He asked. I kept my eyes locked on her. Her eyes focused on Louis

“Nothing. Anymore.” This caught her attention but I still didn’t get any more of a reaction out of her. I pulled her to her feet, still gasping for air. I yanked her down to the basement where we were keeping her whilst we were here. She didn’t utter a single word but she did protest my grip a few times. I threw her in the room and she hit the wall without a yelp, or scream; not even a grunt. This just made me angrier but before I did anything about it I heard the front door slam shut. Zayn was home, and he was pissed.

Zayn POV

She was going to pay; for Louis, for her defiance, for everything. I slam the front door behind me.

“She’s down stairs.” I heard Harry call. I took the steps to the basement two at a time and found Liam leaning against the wall. He wasn’t going to stop me. He pushed himself up.

“She’s all yours mate.” He said shockingly, he walked back upstairs without another word. I walked in to find her spitting blood. She looked up as I walked into the room. She rolled her eyes and sat back. She had handcuffs around her wrists and the bruises were only getting worse. I stood there and looked at her. She looked as if her mind was somewhere else, she shook her head, obviously trying to repress the memory. I stormed over to her and picked her up by the arm.

Kidnapped by One DirectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz