Gulf :- saint mild go and get every possible information about Joss and amanda, even check all the CCTV footage of campay, and p'zee p'mild take me to hell home time to face Joss...' with evil smirk'

Zee :- are you gulf you want to go hell home and face Joss that place not for you...

Saint :- ohh babe don't underestimate p'gulf he was complet devil from inside...

Boat :- but it's risky to take gulf there, what if mew get to know he will kill us for sure....

Mild :- babe take it easy and ready to see new side's of gulf... 'smirk'

Gulf :- give me 5 mins...

Gulf left to his room to watch p'mew before going, when he entered inside his heart hurt to see his meow like this, he went and sit beside him, holding his hand...

Gulf :- meow i know you are scared but don't worry i will make everything fine for you and i am not going to leave you 'smile sadly' you are stuck with me... P'mew i have to go now to deal something but i promise will return back as soon as I can, so don't be restless and don't dare to think any stupid things... 'peak on mew's forehead and lips'

I love you p'mew with that gulf left the room and went to living room where zee and boat are waiting for him, they leave to go hell home... after 30 mins they stop infront a big building, they all went inside while gulf was looking at surroundings, the went in the last room where they kept Joss ... They went inside where Joss was tried in rops and his face was covered with black cloth, the room is fill with different kinds of tools like rope, whipping, knifes, different types cutters, red chilli powder and many more, gulf went towards Joss and pull black cloth from his face...

Gulf :- well well well see who is here...' with smirk'

Joss :- what do you want... ' in pain '

Gulf :- information... ' with stright face'

Joss :- do you think i will tell you...

Gulf :- ' while picking iron rod from the table and moving towards him' i am sure you will...

1st bang :- bit as much as you want...' said in pain gulf smirk'

2nd bang :- ' coughing blood from mouth' you can't make me speak...

3rd bang :- ' smiling see gulf ' that's it...
' gulf start hitting him continuously after 20 hits Joss went unconscious '

Gulf :- bring ice cold water...

Zee signal one of his man to handover ice cold water to gulf, he pour that water direct in Joss face after that he took hot boiling water and kept Joss foot in it...Joss gain his conscious again...

Gulf :- 'with dark face' i think i am very linear towards you so let's try other methods, he want towards the table and pick Disembowelment...

Gulf start cutting his abdomen and takeout his 1 liver Joss was screaming in pain and crying, while zee and mild are shocked to see what gulf is doing to Joss...

Gulf :- hmm!! What do you think p'zee and p'boat should I take his 1 kidney...' with cute smile while seeing them '

Boat :- i think it's enough for gulf...

Gulf :- no phi he dare to hurt my phi i will not leave him, let me continue till when he is ready to confess everything...

Gulf again turn towards the table, this time he pick nails and start pulling in Joss fingers and foots, Joss was complete helpless and screaming his lungs out but gulf is not giving a dam on him and continue what he is doing, This time gulf took sharp hoof cutter and pointing towards Joss and he gulped seeing him, Joss was so scraed of gulf rite now he knows gulf can do anything...

When Angel fall in LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora