Day 7 - Popcorn and Hugs

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Karan's POV

I was currently at my desk but my mind would often wander to the lunch date I just had with Aisha. Wait can I call it a lunch date? She was looking very cute in a red top. It complemented the nickname I have given to her, Cherry. She hates when I call her that but it's her fault. That woman has made her life goal to make me a junk food addict.

But I love it.

And that's terrifying!

Even when I had decided that I need to dial it down with Aisha, I couldn't help but flirt with her today. I don't know what happens to me whenever she is around. My mind always wanders off to that night on the beach and how it felt to kiss her, to hold her in my arms and how I want to do all of that again.

But I can't.

I can't go down that path right now. I can't drag her with me in this mess.

But I don't want to stay away from her either. I want her all to myself.

Ughhh. This is frustrating. I'm acting like a teenager.

"Something on your mind?" Parth snapped me out of my internal monologue. When did he come in?

"Nope, just thinking about the anniversary event." I played it cool.

"If you say so." Parth chuckled and sat down. He knows me too well to know that I was lying. But I'm glad he didn't pry.

"So anything planned for the weekend?" I asked casually. Generally Lola is our weekend planner, she always drags us in her wild parties.

"Lola was talking about some rooftop party. Wanna go?" I rarely go to parties because I don't enjoy girls throwing themselves at me. Why nobody talks about this? Men also feel harassed by women sometimes.

"Nah, not in a mood. I would probably read a book or something." I answered.

"I knew you would say that. But I have an information that might change your mind." He smirked and raised an eyebrow.


"Lola mentioned that she has invited Aisha and Sara too." He waited for me to react but I kept my face neutral. I was definitely interested in going now but if I agree immediately, he'll know what changed my mind and it will prove him right.

"And that should change my mind, why?" I asked and focused on my laptop in order to seem busy.

"Oh puhlease, don't fool me. You and I both know that you are interested in joining us." He challenged.

"I'm not."

"You are."




"We will see. Anyway, tonight girls have planned a binge party at my house. They are going to binge watch The Office. Wanna come?" Parth asked with a smug look on his face. I knew what he meant by girls but I didn't want to jump to conclusions and make a fool out of myself.

"It depends if I know them. Who all will be there?"

"Sara, Lola and ofcourse, your Cherry." He winked.

"My Cherry? First of all, don't call her that. And secondly, she is not mine." No one can call her that, only I can.

"Ah getting possesive. I like this side of you, happy and in love." He teased.

"In love? Seriously? Don't you have any work today? Get out, I don't pay you to comment on my love life." I scoffed and he laughed.

"So there is a potential love life?" He commented on my statement and I instantly regretted saying that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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