Day 3 - Just comes naturally

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"Stop being nervous and press the call button to start the video call." I said while taking a seat beside Sara.

"I'm nervous. What if they say no?" She asked nervously.

Ugh. She has been acting like this since last two hours. Everytime I give her a pep talk and convince her to call, she comes up with some negative thought and backs out. So now I had only one choice. I didn't want it to come to this but she had left me no choice.

I pressed the call button and waited for her parents to answer the video call.

"What the hell Aish. I'm not ready. Why did you call them. I'll kill—"

"My two favorite girls." Her mother's cheery voice interrupted her threat.

"Hello Auntie. How are you and uncle doing? Everything good over there?" I asked her with a smile and discreetly nudged Sara to drop a scowl from her face and act normal.

"I'm good my dear. How are you girls doing? I miss you both very much." Her mom said and dramatically put her hands over her heart. Indian Moms and drama are a match made in heaven.

"We miss you too Mom. We will soon come to visit you and Dad. By the way, where is he?" Sara asked nervously.

"Shyam!! Shyam!! Come here fast." Auntie shouted loudly and called Sara's father. He came running to the room, "What happened? Are you hurt? Why are you shouting?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Girls want to talk to you." Auntie said and pointed towards the screen of her phone.

Uncle looked at the screen and visibly relaxed at the revelation. He rolled his eyes at auntie and gave her a look which said "You shouted my name like you were about to die". Auntie blushed and gave him a goofy grin in return, he just chuckled.

Aww they are so cute.

"Ah, so you finally missed your old man? How are you girls doing?" Uncle asked us sitting beside Auntie.

I looked at Sara to signal her to start the conversation. And oh boy, she looked like she was about to puke.

My eyes widened and I took her hand in mine in order to console her. She gazed at me and a look of understanding passed between us.

"Actually Sara has something important to share with you. And before you guys react and jump to conclusions, I request you to listen to the whole thing first." I say and press her hand slightly signalling her to speak.

"Mom do you remember my friend Raj?" Sara started and Auntie nodded to confirm that she remembers. She was now donning a look that said "she knows where this is going" and for some unknown reason, she didn't seem mad.

"Go on." Auntie said with a smile on her face. Wait a minute, does she already know?

"Why are you smiling Mom?" Sara asked suspiciously. She also catched up on the fact that Auntie might know something.

"Because I and your Dad already know where this is going. You finally got the courage to tell us?" She teased Sara.

What the fuck is happening?

Aren't her parents supposed to be strict? Am I dreaming?

Sara and I exchanged a look that said, "What the hell is going on?

"Please elaborate Mom."

"We are your parents, do you think we are dumb and don't know what's going on between you and Raj? You guys are practically inseparable ever since you became friends and we know how you guys look at each other. We have known for a while now and we approve."

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