Day 3 - Moves like jagger

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"She is Aisha, our official writer for conference." Parth introduced me to the girl who was now standing next to him.
"And she is my sister, Lola." He finished.

Wait a minute.....He has a sister?

That too this beautiful?

"Hey nice to meet you." I extended my hand and she shook it.

"Likewise." She said, "So how are you holding up so far? Have you thought about quitting yet?" She chuckled before subtly glancing at Karan.

"Well, not yet. I give a good fight." I grinned.

"Ah, so finally he met someone who is not intimidated by him." She said and parth chuckled.

"You know, I'm right here." Karan glared at us from the sofa.

"We know because the energy in the room is still dull." I shot back at him and Lola laughed out loud at my comment.

"I like her." She declared to no one in particular and continued, "Come join us, we were gonna go for bowling after the guys were done with their work."

"I don't want to intrude."

"Why the hell are you inviting her?"

Karan and I said at the same time.

I glared at him and smirked, "Well on second thought, I'm in."

I said yes for two reasons. First, I had to kill some time before I can go home and second, I enjoy irritating Karan.

"Great, let me just go get my purse." She said and disappeared into some room. How many rooms does this house has?

"Why did you agree? Don't act like you are our friend." Karan hissed.

"I was going to decline but your enthusiasm when she invited me was contagious and I couldn't help but say yes." I say, sarcasm evident in my voice.

He glared at me and I did the same thing. I never shy away from a glaring contest. I'm the best bitches.

"Let's go." Lola's voice interrupted our glaring session and we both looked away.

Lola took my hand and literally dragged me out of the house. Wow, she is really excited. The boys followed and we all piled up in Karan's car. Parth was sitting in the passenger seat, Lola and I were in the back.

Parth turned on the music and Maroon 5's song "Moves like jagger" started blasting out from the music system. Lola immediately started belting out the lyrics along with some crazy dance moves.

You say I'm a kid

My ego is big

I looked at her with my mouth wide open. Her moves looked liked she is having a seizure but she was enjoying way too much to care about anything. She was totally in different world right now. She was in Lola land. See what I did there?

I don't give a shit

And it goes like this

She saw me looking at her with amusement and instead of getting offended, she took my hand in hers and started moving me along with her. She gave me a look that said, "loosen up and start grooving" and so I did.

I joined her and started belting out the lyrics loudly and moved in sync.

Take me by the tongue and I'll know you

Kiss me till you're drunk and I'll show you

You want the moves like Jagger

I've got moves like Jagger

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