Erica had dropped her off before heading to her parents home. Aaliyah had kind of envied how she was just able to go home just like that and see her parents but for Aaliyah her parents were stuck all the way in England.

She hummed to herself as she picked up her dress from the wardrobe, it was pretty cute. It was copper bronze and showed her neckline as well as that it rode high revealing her legs.

Aaliyah was excited although she didn't want to admit it, it would be her first date in a while. As well as that, once she had heard about food she was overly excited. She enjoyed tasting new things.

Sitting down and doing her make up, she had this unsettling feeling in her stomach but she ignored it simply believing she was overthinking.

She looked at the clock, it was 6:10. She sighed as she quickly fixed her hair changing to a side part and adding slight curls. By the time, she finished it was 6:25. She was growing more and more nervous but waiting a couple minutes longer, giving Jude the benefit of the doubt.

6:45. There was no signs of the boy, no messages or no calls. So, she called him.

ringing jude💘...

There was no response, just the painful voicemail message as she tried again with the same result. To be frank, Aaliyah had completely lost it.


is that how it is?
you're not coming loool
don't message me again, thanks.

mute and hide alerts : yes/no

She stood frustrated, she was already dressed up as she searched up the closest club in Germany. She didn't want to drink, she just wanted to not lose her sanity. She knew her friend would pester for details, pictures and the lot of it.

Quickly, she ordered an Uber and made her way there.

She sit at the bar quietly as the bartender approached her.

"Madam, what can I get you?"

"One shot and the lemon water." She hummed, watching him walk away and bring her what she had asked for.

She nodded, as she felt the burning sensation in her throat. Wow, she felt like she needed it.

"One shot is enough." She whispered to herself, she had quite a high alcohol limit but she knew she didn't want to overdo it here.

She sipped her on the lemon water as she viewed many of the other people dancing and singing along to the music.

She was fucking starving though, she could hear the grumbles in her belly. Clearly she didn't want to eat that much before her date.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" The gentleman behind her asked.

"Go ahead."

He was young, she looked at him briefly as their eyes met. She didn't feel anything to him, she wasn't attracted to him if anything he looked like he was younger than her. She felt like she could wrestle him like he was a younger sibling. He was skinny and he had a child like face.

"What's your name?" She asked, she was rather bored out of her mind.

"Jamal, you?"

"Marie." She lied, giving him her middle name instead of her first name.

"And you're here because?" He asked, he wondered why this girl was sitting here alone. Sometimes he would make a visit to this club to see his friend Leo, who was the bartender.

She yawned, "Stood up, yeah I know what a dickhead."

"Your accent sounds bare London, are you from there?"

"Yeah, I guess you are as well."


She'd learnt a couple things about the guy sitting next to her.

He didn't like to drink, not even one little drink. He was older than her, he was born here but moved to London but moved back, she didn't question why. He was rich, she could just observe that from his clothing and the Richard Mille watch he was wearing. But the best thing that he didn't do was move to her and he made it clear he wasn't going to.

"I'm hungry, you know any places to eat?" Aaliyah asked, she'd have enough of the club and seeing couples make out was testing her patience which was wearing considerably thin.

"A couple, anything in particular?" He queried.

"Just some good food. I'll order the Uber," Aaliyah said.

"Is that an invite?"

"Yes, it is."

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what are your thoughts so far? who's to blame? any predictions?

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