Chapter 4 { Blind date }

Start from the beginning

carnival looks! Girls and boys both are

slaying sexy looks! Dang! Tay is gonna miss

it all. I and Arm started to add stories on

Instagram while enjoying the carnival. Haha

it's mean enough for us to make Tay feel

miserable by doing all these, but he deserves

it! He literally just had broken my heart!

Okay there's this ride where you get to

sit on a moving cup with a random stranger

and there's romantic music playing in the

background. Like seriously for a minute I

had a cringe! After that I and Arm went

to the haunted house of unrequited love.

Haha they had a song playing, which said

something like, I love you so much... But

you did seemed to care... You didn't loved

me back even though I gave up on my last

breath and something. I and Arm couldn't

stop laughing at this one. Like seriously

hilarious! After that Arm took me to have


“Haha it was so fun today!" I said.

“Yes! It surely was and there's still more

fun to have!"


“Listen I'm gonna buy you a ticket to the

blind date hotel, setting the time for two

hours. So you better enjoy it!"

“Huh? What? Arm no. It's pretty expensive."

“And I am pretty rich."


“I am not accepting rejection from you."

“Uh fine! You never listen to anyone!"

After our lunch we really went to the

blind date hotel. Plus Arm barely brought

any lunch for us cause he wanted me and

him to have lunch with our blind dates.

Honestly after my last ex girlfriend, I am

least interested in talking with a girl. But

whatever. Arm literally invested a lot of

money on it.

Okay for blind date, they literally have

blindfolded me. Two girls held my both

arms and took me in a hotel room. For a

moment I really had gotten scared and

worried but it was seriously just their theme.

They made me sat on a seat and asked me

to wait a minute for my date to come. Till

that moment I need to stay blindfolded. I

waited for like a minute and I then I

realized that they brought that person inside.

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