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I see it. I am able to see everything clearly. What is happening? I wonder.

I was still stuck in the same painful position. My eyes were burning but the sight infront of me, urged me to keep them open.

Suga wasnt there.

Who is that?

Someone was dragging suga by his legs...

"No.." I hardly managed to breath out.

He was unconscious, I could see. But was unable to see the persons face who was dragging him away.

All that was left was a long and thick trail of blood behind. Tears rolled down my cheeks in fear of what might happen to him.

"Please..stop.." I cried as I know that it was inaudible.

Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!


My eyes flashed open as I saw a dim room around me. My breaths, uneven. I found it a bit easy knowing that I had a nebuliser on.

My eyes travelled around as I realized that I've made it to the hospital and survived.

I tried moving my hand as it felt numb but when I took a glance at it, I noticed it that it was wrapped up in plaster.

I realized it that I fractured my hand.

My head was wrapped in white aid as a drip was attached to my other hand. I also felt small bandages on my face.

I dont think anyone is here right now. It was early morning. I could see through the glass wall.

What time is it now?

What day is it?

How long have i been here?

Does mark and anna know what happened?

So many questions but no answers...

Among all of them, the only question that made me wonder the most was..

Where is yoongi?

I sat up immediately at the thought of it.
I was unable to clearly remember what had happened during that night.

Think. Think. What were you doing with him? Why were you both the only ones during the crash?

I slowly removed the drip from my hand and got out of the bed. I could hardly take a step since my legs were numb for god knows how long.

I limped till the door but then got the track of my steps.

I got out of my room and went towards the reception. A lady sat there working on her computer.

"Excuse me." I asked abruptly.

"Yes?" She looked at me up and down,"which room are you from mrs.?"

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