Jimin ♡ Prom [request]

Start from the beginning

With that, you both stepped out from your dressing rooms. Jimin's eyes scanned you up and down, stopping at your exposed midriff for a moment.
"It looks nice." He commented. "You didn't like it?"
"It just doesn't feel like the one."
He nodded.
You took a moment to check out his attire. He had on a black tuxedo with one colored stripe going down either side of the pants.
"What's wrong with yours?" You asked.
"It's too plain. I thought the pop of color would be nice, but it's not enough."

The two of you returned to your dressing rooms, putting on your next outfit. The second gown you had on was a form-fitting mermaid dress that fit snugly against your body up until your knees where the fabric flared out. It was in the color you and Jimin agreed on, but it didn't give you that spark of joy.
"Are you done?" Jimin asked.
"I am."
"Is it the one?"
"No." You sighed.
"Let's see it."

You both stepped out from the dressing rooms once again. He had on a tuxedo with a matching colored print on the jacket. It looked great, but to be fair, Jimin looked good in anything.
"Wow." He murmured as he took in your appearance. You didn't miss the way his eyes lingered on your figure, your cheeks becoming warm in response.
"I have some more to try on." You spoke up suddenly, attempting to get his attention away from you.
"Okay." Was all he said, watching you retreat back into your dressing room.

You both continued trying things on until Jimin reached his last suit, which ended up being the right one, so you didn't get to see it. At that point, he resorted to standing outside your fitting room, waiting to see you in different dresses.
As you changed into the third gown, a thought passed through your mind, making a hint of a smile pull at your lips. For some reason, you chose to speak that thought aloud.
"This kind of feels like a date." You admit from the other side of the door.
Your heart pounded as you waited for a response.
"You think so?"
"I could do much better than a dress shopping date." He chuckled.
That comment nearly made your heart leap out of your chest.

One after another, you stepped out, showing off the dresses that didn't make the cut. Jimin knew you wanted to find the perfect one, but in his eyes, every dress you tried on was perfect.

Two dresses remained. You took a moment to glance at them before grabbing one. Once it was zipped up, you turned to your reflection, your expression dropping. The style of dress complemented your body shape incredibly well and it just so happened to be in the right color.
"How does it look?" Jimin asked from the other side of the dressing room door.
You pressed your lips together in a futile attempt to hold back your grin as you looked at your reflection in the mirror.
"It's perfect."
To your surprise, Jimin paid for both his suit and your dress. As if that wasn't enough, he treated you to a meal at the food court afterwards.


Weeks dwindled down to days and before you knew it, prom was upon you. Everything had been arranged and planned out to a tee.
Your mother had just gotten done styling your hair and took a moment to admire you through the vanity mirror.
"You look so pretty, sweetheart."
"Thanks, mom."
Standing up, you took a glance at your reflection to see the full completed look.
I look pretty. You thought to yourself.
The makeup you had on was more dramatic than what you normally wore, which made you look much different—in a good way, of course.
The only thing that pulled your attention away from your reflection was a distant knock at the front door.
"That's Jimin." You mom grinned, hurrying out of the room.
You moved over to your bedroom doorway, peering down the hallway. The sound of your mom and dad greeting Jimin echoed down the narrow corridor, your nerves multiplying. You were feeling a mix of both excitement and anxiety. Two more voices traveled down the hall, reaching your ears. It sounded like Jimin's parents.
Oh boy.

"Y/n, are you ready?" Your dad called.
"Y-yeah, one second!"
Scurrying around your room, you grabbed your bag which held all your necessities and hesitantly made your way down the hall. When you emerged, everyone's eyes were on you.
Jimin felt liked he'd been hit in the chest by a five ton weight, his gaze stuck on you and only you. When the both of you went prom shopping, you saw each other's outfits as they were getting scanned and bagged. You were both left to imagine what each other would look like, and whatever Jimin had pictured didn't come close to what he was currently seeing.
You too couldn't take your eyes away from Jimin. He wore a pair of black slacks, a white dress shirt paired with a black tie, and a cropped suit jacket with a black collar, showing off his slim waist. The jacket's color matching perfectly with your dress.
"Let's get a few photos." Your mom spoke up, causing both you and Jimin to tear your eyes away from each other.
"Yes. I want to make sure to capture this moment." Jimin's mom added enthusiastically.
The both of you shyly moved closer to each other, him shyly putting his arm around your waist as both your mothers pulled their phones out.

After an agonizing ten minutes, they both had all the photos they wanted, causing you and Jimin to let out simultaneous sighs of relief.
"Alright. We're going to head out. Don't wanna be late." Jimin spoke up.
"Of course, of course." Your mom chuckled. "Go on."
"Yes. Have fun." Jimin's mom waved. "And be safe!"
"We will, mom."
Once in Jimin's vehicle, you both felt like you could breathe a little easier.
"You look incredible." He turned to you with adoration in his eyes.
"You don't look so bad yourself." You responded. "That's a unique suit."
"I thought so too." He smiled proudly. "No one else will be wearing anything like this."

The venue was packed with students, each one in a different outfit. From the entryway, the dance floor looked like a flurry of rainbow and lace on account of all the female students gathered in one place, a few guys here and there.
Your attention was pulled away from the group when you felt someone grab your hand. With a turn of your head, you met Jimin's gaze.
"Should we head in?"
You nodded and proceeded to enter the ballroom, heading straight for the tables lined around the room.
"Hey, where are you going?" Jimin asked.
"To sit."
"Y/n." He chuckled. "We came to prom to dance, not sit."
"I don't know." You murmured, suddenly feeling intimidated by the crowd gathered in the middle of the room.
"C'mon." He shimmied his shoulders in an attempt to convince you.
And it worked.

It took a couple songs for you to get comfortable and once you did, that's when the party really started. You and Jimin stood in front of each other, dancing to the beat. One thing about him that surprised you was how much control he had over his body. His movements were so fluid and the way he moved his body to the music was almost hypnotic.
An intense heat blossomed on your cheeks when you felt Jimin's hands on your waist. You attempted to hide your flustered state by continuing to dance, doing your best to focus on the music.

The song came to an end, leaving you and Jimin both huffing to catch your breath.
"That was fun." You commented.
"It was."
There was a beat of silence throughout the venue before a slow song started to play. This caused both you and your date to stiffen up, your nervous gazes meeting.
"Do you... want to dance?" Jimin asked, a tinge of nervousness to his voice.
His hands found their way to your waist, yours moving to rest on his shoulders as you began to sway to the music, slowly turning in a circle one step at a time.
"I'm not very experienced in the slow dancing department, so forgive me if I'm a bit awkward."
"You're doing just fine." He responded quietly, discreetly pulling you closer.
Slow dancing with Jimin had you feeling flustered and nervous at first, but that soon faded, a feeling of comfort taking over. This was someone you've known for years. There was no reason to be nervous.
"This is nice." Jimin commented with a soft smile.
"Yeah. It is." You agreed.

Emotions were running high and Jimin found himself being swept up in the moment. Caught up in your eyes glimmering with joy and the faint crinkles by them as you smiled.
It wasn't like he confessed or anything, but since you accepted his invite to prom, he noticed a change between you. There was most definitely some unspoken feelings between you both and he was only just realizing it. Because of that, he got a mini boost of confidence.
"You're so beautiful, Y/n." He confessed.
Your expression said it all. You were caught off guard, but only for a moment.
"Mhm." He hummed with a smile. "I actually have a confession."
"What is it?" You inquired softly.
"This might seem very sudden, and maybe it is, maybe I'm caught up in the moment, but I need to say this."
Your heart began to race with anticipation.
"I like you a lot." He confessed. "I know this may not be the best moment to say so—"
"It is." You cut in. "The timing is just right."
You nodded.
Jimin glanced around for a moment before pressing his lips to yours. You barely had time to process it as he pulled away.
"Can you... do that again?" You requested quietly.
Once again, Jimin looked around, making sure no teachers were watching before going in for a second kiss that lasted just a bit longer.
When he pulled away, a smile broke out on both your faces.
"I wish we could keep doing that." You murmured.
"We can after prom when we're away from all these chaperones. For now, let's enjoy the rest of the night."

Missing prom 💔 I'm very introverted, especially in big social situations, but I always had fun at prom. It took me a while to get comfortable on the dance floor, even surrounded my my friends, but once I did loosen up, I had SO much fun.
I actually still have my prom dress from senior year (2017) and I'd 100% wear it again if I could. There should be more formal events like prom for people who've graduated high school 😩

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