She was about to grab a brush to defend herself with when the curtain opened slightly, revealing Henry's bruised face. He still had a black eye where Jasper hit him, but it was looking much better. His hair was soaking wet, and a surprised look appeared on his face as he tried to hide himself behind the curtain. As far as she could see, he wasn't wearing anything, not even his face mask. This was not good.

"You scared me so bad, Henry!" Charlotte hissed. She definitely didn't want to yell at him for showering in her bathroom at her house because her parents would definitely hear it and see Henry alive and well and not burned nearly to death. Plus, he was naked in her shower, and she was in the bathroom. How would she explain that to her parents? "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I live here!"

Henry held the shower curtain over his body besides his face to cover everything, and Charlotte was grateful for that. She didn't want to see anything that she didn't need to see just yet, especially on him, her best friend. It was awkward enough to know that he was naked behind the shower curtain.

"You have no idea how awful it is to live in the Man Cave with Ray and Schwoz," Henry said with a groan. "It's terrible. It gets worse when I have to shower because there's only two showers in that place, and I have caught Schwoz coming into the bathroom while I'm showering. Much like what you're doing to me right now."

"Hen, this is my house." Charlotte crossed her arms over her chest, trying to give him her best stare down. He continued staring at her like he wasn't afraid of her. She dropped her arms to her side with a sigh. "Would you just hurry up? I have to shower, too, and my parents haven't left for work yet. I don't want them to find you here."

"If you have to shower, you can just hop in here with me." 

Charlotte really wanted to slap that grin off of his face. She couldn't believe that he would actually suggest that to her. What in the world was wrong with him? Maybe fighting crime for a few years took away a few of his brain cells. It did seem like he shared one with Ray whenever they were together. "Ew, gross." There was a hurt look on his face, but she didn't care. "No. Hurry up, Hen."

"Fine. Could you get out of here so I can get dressed in peace?"

"Can't you just blow a bubble to get dressed?"

"That takes all the fun out of it, Char."

"Does it look like I care, Hen?"

Henry stuck his tongue out at her, so she did the same back to him. At least they could still act like they did before her kiss dream about him and their new relationship they were forced into to keep Ray alive. She didn't want to lose their friendship at all because it was one of the most important relationships in her entire life.

"Are you still going to shower?" Henry asked, shutting the shower curtain so she couldn't see him anymore. 

"No, you ruined my mood. I'll just get dressed while you blow your bubble. Don't you dare come out until I say to."

"Got it." As Charlotte quickly slipped out of her shirt, she heard Henry mutter to himself, "Get this bubble blowed so I can get clothed."

Charlotte burst out laughing. She couldn't believe that Henry said a rhyme while blowing his bubble. Sure, he did it every time he had to go somewhere with Ray, but did he really do it when he was alone? "That rhyme was awful," she said, giggling. "That's the best you could do?"

"Hey, give me a break," Henry said. He sounded like he was laughing, though, so that was good. "I don't have Ray here to help me."

"Right. That's why."

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