Chapter 26

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Alex sat on the spot where she and Apollo had spent the day. She walked the beach several times a day. She thought it helped.

Helena was trying her best to cook and bake so Alexi would eat. She was eating even when she didn't feel like she could keep it in her stomach. She had lost weight that she couldn't spare. She felt weak and tired. Her eyes burned from sleeplessness. She felt drained, hollow, lifeless.

The conversation with Kassandra played in her head like an old-fashioned movie reel.

You're a burden.

You're old news.

Apollo told me last night when he stayed the night ...

Alexi grabbed her hair and pulled. She couldn't shut the voices out. She thought her past was behind her. She had worked hard and graduated from Harvard University. She had a bright future ahead of her.

It was shocking how quickly her past was able to suck her right back into the void. She was back to being the scared little girl trying to push a bureau in front of her bedroom to keep the evil out, she was the helpless little girl sitting in the back of a caseworker's car countless times on her way to yet another foster home because "it wasn't working out."

Even through or in spite of, all she went through growing up, she never once let herself feel sorry for herself. That was something she could control. She wouldn't let them win.

But sitting here right now, she felt empty and drained. She gave herself permission to feel sorry for herself. She was pitiful.

It was during her time on the beach that she also began to feel something besides pity for herself; she began to get angry.

Each day as she walked the beach she let herself remember. Apollo's face haunted her, smiling, serious, or thoughtful. His name echoed in the black stillness of her mind. He had left a burning imprint on her soul.


Apollo didn't know how many days he had wandered the vast silent and empty house. He couldn't eat or sleep. He couldn't remember the last time he'd showered.

He had told his office that any business decisions were to be addressed with Kristos. He was still in Saudi Arabia but he could teleconference. To be perfectly honest, he couldn't have cared less. What did it matter? Nothing mattered anymore except finding Alexi.

He kept his phone with him at all times in case Alexi called. He kept the picture of her he took the night of the ball in front of him constantly.

Apollo was in Dante's ninth and worst level of hell and he too was trapped on a frozen lake with Satan. Not knowing and helplessness were among the punishments dished out to those that hurt the ones they loved.

Every night Apollo slept in Alexi's bed so he could feel close to her and smell the scent of her hair on her pillow.

This was where Yiannis found him one morning. He knocked and walked in with George following.

It was clear by George's expression that he was shocked at Apollo's disheveled appearance and beard.

Apollo pressed both hands over his eyes as they burned from weariness.

"What," he asked flatly.

"George has told me something you may find interesting," Yiannis stated.

Apollo removed the heel of his hands from his eyes as if to say go on.

"Um ... the night of the ball, Miss Alexi approached me and asked me if I had seen Kassandra Stefanopoulos around you. I told her that yes, Miss Stefanopoulos had come to your office the afternoon before the ball. She seemed upset by that and hurried away. I thought it was strange but forgot about it until this morning."

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