Chapter 12

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Alex was so furious she could hardly speak.

"I can walk," she ground out as she protested Apollo carrying her.

The lively twinkle in Apollo's eyes only incensed her more.

"The doctor said to stay off your feet while traveling so you won't tire yourself out," he said into her ear as he climbed the steps of the enormous jet with the Stavros name written in large script across the side.

His breath in her ear sent a sudden gush of need straight through her. She tried to hide the fact that she was inhaling his scent.

She turned her head to find Kris grinning and shrugging as he helped Yiannis with the luggage, most of it his.

Once they made it into the spacious living room with wings, Apollo set her down in the nearest seat. But just before he let her go, she opened her mouth to speak.

"I think I'd like to sit over there," she said, pointing to a seat a little way away.

Apollo nodded and walked to the seat she had indicated.

"But ... maybe over there instead," she said, pointing towards the front of the plane.

Apollo narrowed his eyes but didn't say a word. He dutifully brought her to the seat she had pointed to.

"Oh, maybe ..."

He set her down and stood. "You'll sit here."

She grinned like she had won a round with him.

"I wondered how long you'd keep that up. Serves you right for carrying me."

There was a hint of amusement in his eyes when he knocked on the cockpit door.

Alex then got up and walked back to the original seat he had set her in. It was next to the window. She had never flown before. She didn't know if she should be scared or not. Millions of people flew every day, right? How dangerous could it be?

Kris plopped down in the seat next to her. "Doing okay?"

Alex grinned and shrugged. "I guess."

Apollo was just coming back from the cockpit when Kris announced,

"Alex is a virgin."

Alex whipped her head to look at Kris, and Apollo stopped in his tracks and stared at his cousin.

"A virgin flyer. She has never left the United States," Kris said, grinning.

She began to breathe again and Apollo sat on the couch diagonal to her.

Kris got his phone out and became absorbed instantly.

Alex's eyes drifted to Apollo as they so often did. He looked up lazily through half-closed lids and she looked away quickly. She could feel the heat creeping up her neck.

And then the deep rumbling of the engine began. Her stomach took a dive and she clutched the arms of her seat with white knuckles.

A pretty dark-haired woman walked in from the back and leaned down in front of Apollo.

Jealousy, sharp and quick stabbed her heart. Had Apollo dated her in the past? Obviously she was the flight attendant so he probably saw her all the time.

All her jealous musings came to an abrupt end when the engine became louder and the plane began to move.

All the air in her lungs seized, she couldn't move, and sweat beaded on her face. She was going to die, rang on repeat in her brain.

She never saw Apollo jump up and open the cockpit door or feel the plane stop and the engine become quiet.

She really was going to pass out from lack of air.

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