Wave arc : I

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It's been a month since Team 7 was formed, and they were doing D- rank missions that irritated both Naruto and the silent Sasuke Uchiha, even though he didn't show it. In the case of team training, Kakashi made them trained team work drills to improve their teamwork and chakra control especially walking on a tree something that Naruto already knew, Sakura did it in one try without sweat, and Sasuke was having difficulties to walk on the tree, but in one week he was able to do it. For Naruto personal training with a little help of Kakashi, Naruto was able to keep his sharingan active for more time than usual, his speed and reaction had improved significantly thanks to the gravity seal put on him to the point that he upgraded his gravity seal to level 2 thanks to the fox who constantly heals his muscles. One of the exercise he does to improve is running the whole training fields and fight dozens of shadow clone to improve his reflexes and his eyes, especially the sharingan.

Sasuke has improved not only on his chakra control, but also in his speed and his taijutsu thanks to the help of his father, even though he hasn't awakened the sharingan, but he still can give Naruto somewhat of a fight. In the case of Sakura her chakra control is next to perfect but because of lack of chakra she has to work double the time to raise her chakra reserves by walking on the tree multiple time every single day. Another training she had to do is that she needed to work on her conditioning, so Kakashi made her run the training field every single day to build her stamina, the same training method was applied to Sasuke.

Mikoto always came to Naruto house to help him and make him dinner and eat with him and Naruto slowly is opening around with her by talking casually but still acknowledging as her mother, just yet. In other side of the Uchiha family, Sasuke still doesn't acknowledge Naruto as part of his family, Itachi didn't care what his brother and father think about Naruto, even though he still hasn't formerly introduced or interact with him because of his work in Anbu, he at least keep in an eye on him in the shadows, and he was impressed by how Naruto trained in general. Fugaku is indifferent with Naruto and his relationship with his wife is not in the best place for time being he is keeping his distance with his wife because can't, he felt betrayed as much he accepted Naruto he can't help to forgive his wife even though he doesn't show it, he does love his wife and sames kinda goes for Kushina at certain extent.

Present Time

Right now, you can see Team 7 doing a D - rank mission, but it's not a simple D- rank mission, its famous mission of finding Tora the cat.

Kakashi: Emo duck head, I'm point B

Sakura: Cherry blossom point C

Naruto: Whiskers, I'm in point A

Kakashi: Target is moving following him

Naruto: Over there.

Team 7 was on the move to slowly sneaking upon the cat until Kakashi speaks

Kakashi: What your distance from the target ?

Naruto: 5 meters, I'm ready, just give me the signal

Sasuke: I'm ready too

Sakura: So am I

Kakashi: Ehhhhhh.... Now!!!!

Team 7 move at the same time towards tora the cat and the first one to catch tora was Naruto but got scratch in the process and both strated to fight each other.

Naruto: I got It

Kakashi: Does it have a red ribbon in his ears

Sasuke: Affirmative, it has a positive ID

Kakashi: Alright, lost pet Tora capture, mission accomplish.

Naruto (screams): Can we have better mission than this

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