Team 7 and the Bell test

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Note : Sorry if the fight scenes are not good its my first time doing it so good luck 


It was a new day in Konoha and Naruto was prepared for his first day as a genin, he got out from his apartment and was in his way to go to the academy where his orientation take place, but before he got out of his apartment complex he was greeted by Mikoto.

Mikoto: Good morning Naruto

Naruto: Uh Mikoto-san what are you doing here at this time of the day.

Mikoto (smiles): I wanted to accompany you to the company and have the chance to get to know each other well.

Naruto (sighs): (This was inevitable) Well, what about Sauske?

Mikoto: He already went to the academy early with Itachi, so can I come with you?

Naruto (sighs): Sure

On the way, both mother and son were silent, no one knew what to talk about, but Mikoto had a question that just popped in her brain and asked.

Mikoto: Uhm Naruto, how was the academy for you, I mean did you get good grades or anything?

Naruto: I'm the dead last of the class.

Mikoto: I'm sorry that couldn't help you, but Hokage-sama told me about your skills.

Naruto (sighs) : Mikoto-san, I know that Jiji told you guys everything about me and everything about my skills and just now I told you that I was the dead last of the class, I think you are smart enough to decipher what I'm trying to say.

Mikoto was silent trying to decipher what Naruto told her and after a couple a of second later.

Mikoto (with wide eyes): (It can't be) Naruto, you made yourself dead last on purpose.

Naruto: Bingo

Mikoto: Why ?

Naruto Because I thought it wasn't necessary to take the effort to show my skills in the academy in class where is full of clan heir. If I showed my power in the academy then I will have many eyes on me not only from the student but also from the clan heads, and I don't think the villagers want their little demon to be stronger than them and clan heirs. Plus I wasn't ready to show the village my true skills, but now that I'm a genin and have my sharingan this is where I will not hold back anymore not even with Sauske.

Mikoto (shocked): Wow, wait, you awaiken your sharingan. When? How?

Naruto(nods): Yeah, 2 days ago, and I'm not telling you how just yet.

Mikoto: Why?

Naruto: Because I don't trust you yet to tell this personal stuff to you

Mikoto (lower her head): (uh he doesn't trust me just yet) Look Naruto, I know it will take some time for you to trust me fully as your mother, but no matter what happen I will never give up on you and I will show that I can be mother to you.

Naruto was evaluating Mikoto and so far right now she genuinely means what she said right even though it made him happy to hear that from his mother, but that still doesn't make out the years of absence, So the only thing he could do his just nod and have small smile that Mikoto notice and smile at the same time.

Naruto: So, I figure Sauske already know about me, right?

Mikoto (nods): Yeah, looks like you have a little complication with him.

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