|| Know Your Enemy ||

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Arcadia admired the stars and planets as Voltron soared in the direction of Earth. During her first trip to the lively planet, she used an altean pod that was equipped with a small teludav. She was too busy trying to get where she was going that she never got to take in the sights of the Milky Way.

"I'll see if I can get a message out to my dad." Pidge activated the communication link that connected her lion to Earth. "Dad, it's me, Pidge. Do you copy? We're back in Earth's solar system, and heading home now."

The comms crackled with static. From the static emerged Sam's voice. "To any beings who receive this message–"

Tears formed in her eyes at hearing her father's voice. "Dad, you're okay. How's Mom and Matt? Is he with you?"

"Planet Earth has been... Most of the citizens..."

"Hold on, let me try to get a clear signal." Pidge boosted the signal and heard Sam's voice much clearer.

"...have been captured."

Pidge was shocked at the message. "What? Who's captured? Dad, what are you saying?"

"Those of us remaining are making our last stand. If you get this message, please get word to Voltron. We need help."

Arcadia pulled up a display after hearing Sam's message. She checked the frequency and saw it was being masked by another. "It's a hidden message. But why would Sam need to conceal it?"

"Let me check." Keith used the black lion to scan Earth. When the scanner detected multiple galra signatures, an image of a cruiser appeared. His eyes widened in horror. "Guys, are you seeing this?"

Arcadia looked at the display and gasped. "How...?"

Sam's message continued. "To any beings who receive this message..."

"Oh, no," Allura gasped.

"...Planet Earth has been overrun by the Galra."

Lance was in utter shock. "The Galra have invaded Earth."

"Most of the citizens have been captured. Those of us remaining are making our last stand. If you get this message, please get word to Voltron. We need help."

"It's not a reply. It's a distress signal," Hunk said, voice lower than usual.

"Dad..." Pidge muttered sorrowfully.

"There must be something we can do," Arcadia said.

"I'll keep trying to contact my dad," the green paladin said. She tried desperately to contact Sam. "Dad, please respond. Voltron is coming. Hold on."

"Are we too late?" Hunk asked.

More static crackled over the green lion's comms. From the static came Sam's voice. "Katie? Katie, is that you?"

"Dad, it's me," Pidge replied, feeling a sense of relief once hearing her father. "I'm here."

"Katie, I'm so glad to hear your voice. Where are you?"

"We're within the solar system. Heading to Earth now."

"Wait! You must stop!" Sam yelled.

"What?" Keith was shocked at Sam's demand. "Say again."

"Stop. Sendak has invaded the planet. He's taken over Earth. If he finds out that Voltron is here, he'll threaten the people of Earth in exchange for the lions."

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