Part Thirty-Five. Get it Going

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"Alright Kate, get your shit ready we're heading out," Clint yelled as he stepped away from his conversation with Y/N. As she nodded, they watched Wanda tap on Kate's phone. Exchanging numbers, interesting, they thought.

Y/N was happy to see them both smiling, but the idea of two people they'd been involved with getting together was a bit odd. Especially when Kate had just been let down last night by Y/N. It wasn't their business though and they instead ran upstairs to get ready for the day. They'd have to meet Wanda and Maria in the downstairs offices to get set up for the day and start researching what's going on.

Kate and Clint however had a different day planned ahead for them. The two would be running back to the place where Clint was attacked and Yelena was taken. Nick had tasked them both with figuring out where the van had taken her.

Unsure of how to even start, Kate just followed Clint and did as she was told. The two made their way to the scene and looked around. Being not even 24 hours since she was gone, they looked around each street for cameras.

Some streets were empty and some were littered with cameras. Clint called into Nick and told him to check the cameras on the corners of each street he could find. As they looked through, Nick told him where to go as he followed the van through the cameras.

Within ten minutes, both Clint and Kate had set right outside of the building that they'd taken her to. Nick had stated he could see them remove her from the vehicle, still knocked out, and taken inside. No one greeted them at the door. The only people he was able to see were those who had attacked him and taken her.

"Christ, okay. What do you want us to do now?" He asked, concerned that Nick was going to send the two of them in alone with no backup.

"Scout around. Look for all entrances. We need to be ready because we're going to head out tonight for her," Nick responded through the phone. "and Kate, listen to Clint and don't do anything stupid."

Hanging up, Clint looked over at her annoyed face. "Yeah, yeah. I heard him," She responded. It wasn't that she was defiant when it came to Clint, she just genuinely believed that the leads she saw and thoughts she had were valid and usually they were! So far, she hadn't been wrong but arguing with Nick Fury was the last thing on her list.

As they walked around, scouting the area, Clint watched Kate as she slipped ahead. He was proud of her, for taking initiative and becoming an Avenger, but he was also worried. She was prone to anxiety, but the affect she'd shown recently due to Y/N was unnerving.

"You doing okay?" he asked, unable to let it go on unnoticed.

"Yeah, fine. Why?" her head peaked around the corners, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Most doors were steel but one thing she noticed was that there were no visible cameras. Worried, she started searching more.

Clint watched as she picked up the pace, "You haven't seemed like yourself lately. I can only assume why."

She stopped in her tracks, "We're not about to do this." An uncomfortable giggle floated out as she looked at him. His lips pursed, noting that they were in fact going to talk about this. "I'm fine, Clint. Y/N is in love with Yelena. I can't change how they feel. It's fine. We weren't even serious. I'm fine."

His eyebrows rocketed up to his hairline, "That's a lot of 'I'm fine's for someone claiming they're fine."

"Clint, I don't feel like doing this right now. Can we focus on the miss-" Just as she went to finish her question, a zipping sound came from above. Within seconds, someone was upon them, absolutely sent to take them out.

Whoever it was had intense training seeing as they were able to keep up with not only Kate but Clint as well. The worrisome part was noticing how they didn't tire either. Kate hadn't been trained adequately and was already getting slower.

Clint was able to pull the attacker away, garnering Kate's attention in the process. They struggled as he tried guiding her to what she needed to do next. "Get back to the car. Get word to Nick. I'll finish this."

He struggled harder, watching as Kate's face shifted between emotions. She wanted to stay and help, but she remembered what she had been directed to do. "Listen to Clint and don't do anything stupid."

Finally, she let out a frustrated huff of air and took off down toward the car. The masked person struggled in Clint's grip until he watched Kate run down the alleyway. They were able to catch him off guard at just the right moment.

They heaved their body forward, throwing Clint over their shoulder and onto his back. A loud groan sounded from his mouth as his body thudded in the ground. Kate's footsteps slowed until she heard him yell out, "I'm fine! Go!" And she was off again.

His back was on fire, feeling as though someone had taken a bat to his spine. When the attacker realized this, they went to take off after Kate until Clint threw his bow out, catching their ankle with it and yanking them toward him.

"I don't know who the fuck you are," he grunted as he pulled them closer with the string of the bow now trapping their ankle, "but you're really getting on my fucking nerves."

Close enough now to grab them, he reached out only to be met in the face with their boot. The sole of their shoe would definitely leave a mark, nearly knocking him out in the process, but he continued pulling.

They continued struggling, harder and harder until he was finally on top of them. Decked in black, he could only assume it was another widow. They were wearing the exact same get up that Yelena was when the two met on the rooftop that night just a few weeks ago.

His hand gripped the top of the mask, ready to yank it off until he heard wheels squealing down the alley. Kate had jumped behind the wheel and done exactly as Nick directed, take the car down and let it do the rest.

As she flew down the narrow passage, Clint was thrown off the attacker. They'd managed to use any second of distraction in their favor, pissing Clint off even more each time someone or something distracted him.

A hook and line up, the person was gone before Kate even reached the scene of the fight and before Clint could even look back at them. "Fuck," he shot under his breath. This person was their perfect opportunity to getting inside, and now what? What were they supposed to do now?

"Nick wants to speak with you," Kate stated as she jumped out of the car, seemingly unaware of what she'd just done.

He shoved her over to the passenger seat, listening as Nick spoke through the speakers in his car. "You need to get back now. Y/N, Wanda, and Maria found a hit. We have a meeting in 30 and need you both back and ready."

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