Part Eight. Figure It Out

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Time had flown by and before the two knew it, it was 2 am. Yelena was clearly able to handle her alcohol better, but Y/N was good about knowing their limit. Both were tipsy but sound enough to get home. They left a hefty tip for the bartender and left through the quiet bar. Most people had gone home by now, which was surprising for a Saturday night. 

The walk back was rather quiet. Arm in arm again, the two swayed and smiled. Giggles came in spouts but it was clear they were both growing tired. With the bar not being far, they arrived at Yelena's apartment complex within a few minutes.

As they strolled up, they could feel her steps begin to slow. Anything to make the night not end.

"I had a great night," Y/N stated as they finally reached the door.

Yelena pulled them over to the wall beside it, not wanting to go in yet. "Me too."

As they stood with one shoulder each against the stone wall, Yelena let her hand fall from their arm to their hand. As she wrapped her fingers around theirs, she looked down at them. Admiring how their hand felt in hers.

Y/N rested their head on the wall as it felt heavier now. While they did, they looked down at her, wondering what she was thinking. Before they could start to ask, she looked back up. Their eyes met and it felt as though they were both staring into space. Y/N felt themselves get lost in her eyes a million times over.

They watched her eyes dip down to their lips again, just as they had before the bar. Y/N wanted her to lean in, to just kiss them so they didn't have to worry about overstepping.

But it was clear that she was worried too. Instead, she leaned in for a hug and wrapped her arms tightly around their waist, resting her head on their shoulder. She was still just as warm as before and Y/N loved feeling her so close.

"I think I could sit like this forever," Y/N said without thinking. As it slipped out, they hoped it didn't sound like too much.

Yelena moved her head up but just far enough to whisper in their ear, "Me too."

She kissed their cheek and released her grip from their body, heading inside to her apartment. Turning to get one last look, she saw Y/N staring at her with a dopey grin.

"Text me when you're home safe," she called before letting them leave.

"Yes ma'am."


(8:13 am)

See I KNEW you'd stay over
there!!! I literally called it.

(9:58 am)

Shut up. I'm in my apartment 
alone. I just slept longer than 
usual because I drank so much.

Though it wasn't a lot, the amount they'd drank was much more than normal. Y/N was used to a drink with their dinner or a drink as they talked with friends. They'd done a bit more last night.

As they squinted their eyes and tried to focus scrolling through their messages, they tapped on Kate's name. She'd messaged them back last night but they hadn't even looked at their phone other than to tell Yelena they were home.

Absolutely. Your choice too then!
Just let me know :)

Such constant use of smilies would normally annoy Y/N, but with Kate it felt different. It was cute because they knew she really did smile that much in real life too. It was a perfect text depiction of her.

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