Part Fifteen. Please Stay

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"You dated Wanda Maximoff?" She said in disbelief.

"Yes-well, no. Not really. We were best friends and tried to be more but it didn't work out. It was just before she became an Avenger."

Her eyes were wandering around the room now. She was shocked, but not angry. Just confused on why this was being brought up.

"Okay, go on."

Y/N took a deep breath, "She's lost a lot because of who she is. She's been targeted and now..." they trailed off. What would she say when they told her they're being targeted next? Would she want to leave?

They couldn't blame her if she did. "Now they're coming to finish it. I'm the last in line. Losing me takes out everyone she's ever loved or cared for."

Kate's face went white. She was terrified thinking of what could happen to them, but asked how they knew.

"Wanda visited me. She was here just before you came and she wanted to tell me that someone hired a 'Black Widow assassin' to take me out. I didn't even know what that was until she explained it."

With this, Kate stood straight, "I have to go."

"Wait, Kate wait! Why? Where are you going?" They thought she might be scared, but to leave so soon? This was much worse than they'd imagined. Now they wished they'd just kept their mouth shut.

Kate started to gather her belongings when Y/N grabbed her hands, "Hey, look at me! Why're you leaving? I'm sorry if I scared you, but they have people watching me, protecting me. I'm okay."

She stopped for a second, "Black Widow assassins aren't to be played with, Y/N."

A serious aura poured over her. The playful Kate they knew was stoic. Her face showed no emotion. "How do you know that?"

She faced away from them. How could she tell them what she knew? How she'd encountered one herself that had even tried to befriend her? How she helped an Avenger himself when he was targeted by one?

"Do you know who is targeting you? Which specific Widow?" She asked, finally turning around.

They looked from her hands that they still held, "No. I don't know her name. I just know Hawkeye had a run in with her. Well, they think it's the same one. They're unsure."

Yelena, she thought.

Breath left her lungs it felt like. Y/N did their best to grab her attention, but it was elsewhere. Getting her back was difficult. The only way they knew how was-

Y/N's lips crashed on hers. Her head flew back due to being caught off guard, but she soon melted into them. They sat her back down on the couch, trying their best to get her mind off whatever was sending her through these loops.

As they slowed, Y/N pulled her in and wrapped their arms around her. "I'm okay. I'll be okay. Please don't leave." They couldn't lose her so soon, not when they weren't sure where it might lead.

Kate's eyes shut tightly as she hugged them tighter. They had no idea she felt the same way. She wasn't scared of what might happen to her, she was terrified of who might take them out.

They were happy to feel her breathing slow as she relaxed into them. "I'm going to get up and grab a water. Do you want one?"

As they asked, Kate thought this might be a perfect time to send some important texts. "Yes, I would love that." Y/N stood and strolled over to grab some waters. Kate flipped her phone out as quickly as she could.

Need to talk to you ASAP about
Yelena. I think she has another
target and it's not good.


One more.

What do you know about Y/N
Y/L/N and why are you after


As she finished, she quickly slipped her phone back into her pocket. Y/N noticed but tried not to worry. They were sure she was just nervous.

Y/N picked a horror movie. They felt it would be a perfect way to keep their minds occupied. Unfortunately, Kate's mind stayed racing. She wondered why Yelena would continue working for those people after learning the truth about her sister.

Maybe it's not her, she thought. Kate liked Yelena. She'd even wished they could be friends, but how could she possibly be friends with someone who wanted to kill Y/N? Clint was one thing. This was even more terrifying.

They noticed her blank face and leaned over to kiss her cheek. A faint smile appeared, but nothing more. Y/N began to worry even more. How could they possibly make her feel at ease?

The movie passed quickly and instead of staying after, Kate stood and readied to head home. Y/N had assured her that she could stay, but she was persistent. She needed to figure out more and she couldn't do that around them.

"Text me when you're home safe, at least?" Y/N begged. They felt she might ghost them as Yelena had and did their best to hide the fear.

Kate noticed and pulled them in for a long kiss. After, she leaned her forehead on theirs, "I will text you when I get home. Next date is on me."

One last kiss before heading out and Y/N felt much better. Even being able to attend to them without needing words made them feel warm. Kate was one of a kind and they were so thankful for her.

On her way home though, she called Clint. She had to know what was going on and how she could help. Unfortunately, he told her to stay out of it.

"The more you try to intervene, the more you put them at risk. I know you care about them, but let us handle this." He said.

Kate had a hard time thinking she could, but as they were arguing, a beep for another call came through. When she looked down, Yelena popped across her screen.

She quickly told him she had to go and swiped to answer, "What is going on, Yelena? Why are you still working for someone who try to have you kill innocent people?"

Yelena's voice was cold, "Stay out of it Kate Bishop. You don't understand and I would hate for you to get hurt. I've grown quite fond of you."

Kate couldn't help but worry. Yelena sounded as set on killing Y/N as she had Clint. She began to beg, "Please don't kill them. You can't."

Yelena began to wonder why she had such a tie to Y/N, but did her best to hold in any ounce of jealousy she might feel. Do your job, she thought.

"Mind your own, Kate Bishop."

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