Part Sixteen. Finally

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Sorry won't make up for what
I've done. Are you free for me to
come over? I'll bring dinner if you
haven't eaten.

Y/N was surprised at the text they were reading. Kate had just rushed out and now Yelena had finally responded. They worried about bringing her into the mix now too. Kate was already in danger. The last thing they wanted was to put her in it as well.

But they obliged, sending their address and allowing her to bring her apology dinner. She showed nearly twenty minutes later as it now neared eleven at night.

"You're right, sorry won't fix what you've done but these wings just might," Y/N smiled as they welcomed Yelena in.

She took in the apartment as she stepped through the door. Y/N had a modern and simplistic taste for decor which Yelena found appealing. It was much like what her room looked like in Brandy's apartment.

"No plants? Where's the life in here?" She asked as she noticed the lack of greenery.

Y/N laughed, "No, no plants. I tend to kill them because I forget to water them."

A smile cracked in Yelena's face as her back was to them. Why her target had to be as adorable as them was beyond her and she hated it. The last mission she had wasn't easy and now she felt she was losing her touch.

If I can't take out people anymore, what am I going to do to survive? She thought.

Her mind raced for a second before Y/N put her at ease. They'd offered her a drink and asked what she'd been up to. It wasn't ever difficult to lie for Yelena. Her entire job revolved around gathering intel and taking out those she was hired to kill.

But Y/N was the second person to ever make her second guess. She'd never hesitated before she met Clint Barton and it seemed that now she'd met another obstacle.

"I work in the government under private orders, so I'm not allowed to say but I will admit to wishing I could've at least been texting you while I was at it." She had to get closer, to reel them in.

They blushed and for a second Yelena's smile felt natural, genuine. She quickly brushed it off and returned the question, now remembering her talk with Kate Bishop.

Y/N hesitated. Should they tell her about Kate? Truly, it wasn't their fault. Mariah set them up but they did really enjoy being with her. Though now they wondered if there was anything left to salvage. She still hadn't texted them that she was home.

"I hung out with a few people, worked, the usual. Nothing as fancy as a private job," they laughed.

She closed the door behind her and did her best to make herself comfortable. The closer she got to Y/N, the better the mission would go.

"Eh, wasn't too fancy," she looked around.

Y/N watched her as she strolled around their living room. She paid attention to many details, just as she had when they met and they told her about their life. They set up the wings with plates and cups for their drinks.

Yelena continued to stroll around the living room. She looked out the window, wondering who was watching now. She'd already taken out the one man who had been following her last night. He'd gotten just a bit too close. Another would be sent, but she was sure to cover her tracks.

"Can I ask where you went, at least?" they asked as she turned from the window.

Her lies usually came easily. She was used to them but now, as she looked at their kind face across the room, she hesitated. "Uh, yeah. It was across the country. They flew me out to Idaho for a few days."

"Idaho? What the hell is in Idaho?" Y/N asked, baffled.

She had stumbled and left herself in a shit situation. What the hell is in Idaho? Who even knows? Potatoes?

"Can't say," she replied. Luckily, the cover was enough to help her lies.

And even luckier for her, Y/N believed her. To their demise, they were completely unguarded around her. She drew them in deeply and they listened to every word.

They shrugged, "Makes sense. Well, are you happy to be back?"

"Happy to be here," She replied.

Their face blushed, "I'm happy you're here too."

The two sat and ate their wings over conversation. Yelena was still closed off, not letting Y/N know too much about her. All they'd figured out was surface-level information.

She's a Taurus. Her favorite color is green. She has a sister. She just moved to NYC a month ago.

They wanted to know more, but they were fine with the wait, the chase. Yelena continued to learn more and more about Y/N but with each thing she learned, the more human they became to her. She's become impeccable about separating her targets from their humanity. Even before this, she'd gone on a year-long stint of learning about a target and their business before taking them out.

As she looked at Y/N, her face softened. She listened because she wanted to, not because she had to. Maybe I can just use this to my advantage, she thought. And maybe she could, but it didn't help her worry any less about the inevitable end.

It was nearing two in the morning when Y/N checked their phone. Still no text from Kate letting them know she was home safe. They thought about texting her but worried about texting her so late. Instead, they opted to wait.

Yelena stood and stretched, "Well, it's probably time for me to head home. I know you have work in the morning."

"Are you sure? It's so late. You can crash here if you want." They worried about her safety. A girl as stunning as her walking alone at two in the morning through the city? They'd rather her stay with them.

She smiled, "I'll stay on one condition."

"Hit me."

"We watch a movie on the couch before going to sleep. It's my favorite."

Y/N nodded. They knew they'd regret it when they went to work in the morning, but it would be well worth it. "You got it. Let's go."

Yelena followed them to the couch, picking up the remote and flipping over to Netflix. She clicked on a title Y/N knew all too well. It was their sister's favorite.

"You're fucking joking," they laughed.

Twilight pulled up on the screen as her mouth dropped, "Are you judging me?!"

Y/N sat next to Yelena after bringing their drinks back from the kitchen and setting them on the coffee table. They pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and laid it over them.

"I'm not judging. It's just my sister's favorite as well and I've probably watched it a million times because of that," they lifted one side of the blanket to let Yelena know she could have a piece of it if she wanted.

And she did, but instead of just taking a piece, she slid all the way over. Pulling the blanket down and looping her arm under theirs, she rested her hand on their thigh and laid her head on their shoulder. As her hand traced circles on their inner thigh, they felt a burning sensation start in their core.

Yelena was able to sense their breathing pattern change when she did this and it pleased her. They'd reacted exactly as she wanted them to.

Y/N wasn't sure what to do or how to react. Their eyes could've burned holes in the tv as they kept them stationed there. She could sense how excited it made them and wanted to test the waters.

She ran her hand up and down the inside of their thigh before wrapping her hand to grip their it softly.

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