Twenty Eight

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Before I know it, it is new years eve, I am up in my room tidying it, making sure it is respectable for when the girls get here, I have turned it upside down, looking for something to wear tonight, something that makes me look good but trying to make it seem as if I haven't put too much effort into it. Finally I have three outfits on my bed and decide to go for the red dress, I think it makes me look bustier than I am and also shows off my hips, so it is a win win really. I find a pair of white wedges that I know go well with it and put the other two dresses away along with the last of my clothes, before I change my bedding and hoover my floor, at last, looking round the room I decide that it looks good and head downstairs to grab a drink before I have to start to get ready.

When I get into the kitchen mum is sitting at the table, once again staring into space absentmindedly.
"Sooo" I say, pulling her out of her trance.
"What? Sorry sweetheart, I was in a world of my own there. What did you say?" She replies, not quite getting rid of the tense look she had before.
"Are you sure you are ok mum?" I ask for the hundredth time.
"Yes, I am fine honestly, I am just a little tired, you have to remember I have not long had a major surgery sweetheart. Now what was you saying?" She says in a very matter of fact way.
"Well........" I begin in the most innocent tone I can muster. "You know the girls are coming over for this sleepover. And I mean it is new years eve." I carry on looking into her eyes earnestly.
"Yeah!" She replies suspiciously.
"Well it wouldn't really be a party with..."
"You girls are not getting drunk!" She interrupts in very matter of fact way.
"But mum, you always let me have a drink new years!" I plead.
"A couple of drinks yes, not lots of drinks! It one thing to have one or two with me and dad. It is a whole other story to let you loose with your friends. What would their parents say when they go back tomorrow in a state because they have been up half the night, drinking and then probably throwing up?" She says raising an eyebrow.
"We won't go mad I promise! It will just be nice to have a proper celebration!" I plead. "What if I got them to ask their mums?"
"I said no Lucy. You can have one drink to see new years in with. That's it ok!" She snaps at me. Catching me a little off guard. It is very unlike mum to snap like that.
"Okaay!" I sigh as I grab my juice and head back upstairs in a sulk.

As the afternoon goes by, the excitement of having the girls over grows, I am just finishing drying off after my shower when there is a knock at my bedroom door. I grab my robe and tie it before saying "come in." My mum walks into my room and the first thing I notice is the tray in her hands, on it is her best ice bucket and three champagne flutes.
"Two bottles of pressecco ok! That's all you're allowed between the three of you." She says as she sets the tray down on my dresser. I immediately beam at her.
"Thanks mum, you're the best!" I get up and give her a big hug.
"Just promise me you will be sensible, I don't want any irate parents at my door tomorrow morning!" She tells me.
"I promise, I don't want anyone getting drunk either, I don't want to be dealing with any puke!" I say as I screw up my face making her chuckle.
"Can I sit down?" She asks.
"Of course." I say as I sit on the bed and she sits next to me.
"So I have an hospital appointment next week." She says. "It is just a follow up appointment but I don't know, it has just been on my mind for some reason, after everything that happened with my operation, I have just been struggling a little recently sweetheart." She says honestly. I can see that look of concern again and it breaks my heart, after everything my mum has been through I just want her to be able to relax, to know she is on the road to recovery.
"Okay. I can understand that, but you don't have to hide things from me mum. I am not a kid anymore you know." I tell her.
"I know you're not a kid anymore Luce, but I will always be your mum, so I will always try to protect you."
"Yeah I understand that, but by not telling me when things are on your mind, that's not protecting me. It makes me worry and think the worse." I say as I put a hand on hers in her lap. She looks me in the eye and she smiles.
"I forget sometimes how grown up you have become. You're right. I am sorry."
"I just want to be here for you mum. Through everything, good and bad." I say.
"Okay, I am sorry, I shouldn't of hid the appointment from you, you're old enough to know what is going on."
"So will they know. Wether it has been a success I mean, when you go to the hospital?" I ask.
"Yes they will. That is what is worrying me" she admits.
"Well you're immediately thinking the worse, hopefully it is good news."
"Yes, you are right. I will try not to dwell on it"
"What day is it?" I ask her.
"It's on Thursday, and no you are not coming." She says with a smirk. Which makes me giggle.
"How did you know I was gonna ask that?"
"Because I know you, all too well young lady! You will have school and there is no need for you to come. It is only a consultation." She replies.
"Well I might not have school, depends what happens Tuesday morning at school. Doesn't it?" I say, and for the first time I realise how worried I am about the meeting that has been arranged Tuesday morning. Mum got an email from Mr Edwards, asking her to come into school with me the first morning back. Ruby's mum has been asked to attend too.
"Now don't you go worrying about that sweetheart. I thought Mr Edwards has already said that he isn't going to go overboard with any punishment hasn't he?" She tries to reassure me.
"Yeah but he did say I might get suspended." I say
"True, but I am not going to let them put this all on you, I know what you did wasn't right Lucy but that girl will not get away with that. I am quite looking forward to hearing what her mother has to say about this all to be perfectly honest." I can feel my mums protective side boiling at the surface.
"She probably doesn't even know what has been going on mum. You can't go in there wanting to attack her." I chuckle.
"No I know. But when she hears what has been going on, it will be interesting to see how she takes it. And if she doesn't respond in the right way, believe me she will hear about it." She tells me with a little smile. Right there and then I am reminded again just how lucky I am to have mum by my side.

"So, are you excited about tonight? I like the outfit you have chosen." She says as she spots the dress hanging up on my wardrobe door.
"Yeah I can't wait, and thanks." I say with a smile.
"I'm sure Skye will like it too." She says with a teasing tone to her voice, making me go as red as the dress I have chosen.
"I hate you." I say with a laugh as she nudges her shoulder against mine and laughs.
"Oh and sleeping arrangements. I trust I don't have to say that BOTH girls will be in the spare room." Raising her eyebrow as she makes that comment.
"Yeah of course." I say feeling my face flush even more. "I have told you, me and Skye are just friends, she has to decide how she feels and she has a boyfriend."
"I know what you have told me, but I also know what teenage hormones are like, especially when alcohol fuelled."
"Is that why you didn't want us drinking?" I ask, giving her a quizzical look. She just laughs.
"Partly yes. But also I really don't think I can handle three drunk teenagers." She laughs. "So what are the plans tonight? Are you going to join me and dad downstairs? Or will we cramp your style?"
"No, I think we will come downstairs for a bit. Definately for 12 o'clock." I say. "I want to see the new year in with you and dad." I reassure her, knowing that is what she actually wants to hear. She gives me a big smile at that news.
"That will be very nice. We have plenty in food wise so I will make a little spread up. Just some nibbles."
"Thanks mum, that will be amazing, let me know if you need a hand." I say.
"No you're OK sweetie. The girls will be here shortly and you still need to get ready." She tells me.
"OK then." I reply as she gets up off the bed she gives me a kiss on the forehead. As I watch her walk over to the door and open it I call out to her.
"Mum!" She stops and looks at me.
"Yes sweetheart?" She says as she looks at me.
"I love you." I say with a smile
"I love you too Lucy." She replies with a smile as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

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