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Going down for breakfast the next day, mum and dad are already ready to go. Dad is sitting eating a bacon sandwich while mum if reading through the information she got from the hospital about her chemotherapy.
"Morning muggles" I say as brightly as I can trying to lighten the atmosphere I walk over giving mum a kiss on the head.
"Morning pumpkin" dad says
"Good morning darling" mum smiles at me as I grab my tea off the side.
"Did you sleep OK mum?" I ask as I pour cereal into a bowl.
"Surprisingly I did sweetheart yes, it took me a while to get off but when I did, I slept right through"
"Good, I forgot to ask are you allowed to eat and drink before your treatment?"
"Yes you can, even during it apparently, but there certain things you should try to avoid." She says as I start to eat my cereal. Dad finishes his sandwich and says "would you mind cooking dinner tonight munchkin? By looks of it we will be at the hospital for most of day, and mum is definitely not going to be up for it afterwards"
"Of course I will" I answer with a smile.
"Thank you sweetheart" mum says.
"Right you gorgeous woman, say goodbye to your daughter cos we need to be making moves" dad says as he comes over and kisses me on the head. "Have a good day LuLu" he says as he grabs his keys and heads out the door. I get up and give mum a big hug,
"I hope it isn't too bad mum, I love you" I say as I hold her tight.
"I'm sure it will be fine, I love you too" she says as she pulls away and follows dad. My heart sinks as I watch her leave, wishing with all my heart I could be going with her.

As I get into tutor I notice Skye isn't there yet so I take my seat alone in the classroom thankful that no one else is around. Just alone in my thoughts about mum, hoping she is ok, and hoping that chemo works, I can't lose her, I just can't! The fear that thought puts in me is almost crippling. It makes my whole body freeze, draws every bit of breath I have from me. Just then I hear the door open and look up. The source of my fear transfers immediately, Ruby walks in with chloe laughing and giggling we lock eyes as she notices me there.
"Oh look chlo, it's fish bitch!" She says once she realises no one else is in the room. She walks over to me "how was your weekend Lucy? How many lads did you get on your knees for this weekend huh?" She says as she walks around my table behind me.
"Fuck off Ruby! I aint in the mood for you today" I blurt out, not knowing where it comes from. She grabs the back of my hair and pulls it so hard, I feel like she is going to rip it clean out of my scalp as I let out a yelp, leaning back to try and ease the tension on my hair.
"What the fuck did you just say? You tell me to fuck of you little frog faced skank?" Her face inches from mine.
"I'm sorry" I cry out. "Please just leave me alone, please" I whimper pathetically
"I will leave you alone when I fucking feel like it" staring into my eyes with so much hatred. "Not got your little bitch friend to stick up for you huh? I don't know why she hangs round with you? You're nothing but a little worthless whore! Everyone would be better off if you just didn't exist!" She pulls hard on my hair dragging me off my chair and onto the floor. Making me cry out loud in pain. She kicks me hard on the side of my leg at the top of my thigh, before she walks off.
"Come on chlo, let's go find the boys, don't know what we will catch off of this little tramp" she says as they leave the classroom leaving me all alone on the floor. My leg throbbing from the pain of her kick, my heart throbbing from the pain of her words. Tears running down my cheeks. Thinking about what she has said, maybe everyone would be better off without me... I slowly get up and sit back down, getting tissues out my bag I wipe my face.

As the class room starts to fill up nobody really pays any attention to me thankfully, except Danny a sweet lad who sits on the next table to me,
"Hiya Lucy" he smiles as he sits down.
I just smile back not really having anything to say and feeling if I attempt to say anything I will just break again, a couple of minutes later Ruby and her little group walk in, all looking at me smiling, Ruby has obviously just been bragging about giving me a hard time again. Then finally Skye comes in, a skip in her step as she flops down next to me. "Morning lovely" she says with a big smile on her face. "Sorry I meant to come up earlier but got talking to Dean." She adds.
"Morning babe" I say as she sits down next to me, that now all to familiar scent of he perfume filling my nostrils making me feel a little better instantly.
"You ok Luce?" She says giving me a questioning look.
"Yeah, I'm OK. Just having a bad morning, for a change" I roll my eyes, as I see Ruby leering from the front. I immediately put my head down.
"Oh shit babe, I'm sorry how is your mum?" She says as she puts a hand on my shoulder.
"It's OK babe, she is ok, her appointment was at nine, so guess she is just going in now" I say looking up at the clock.
"I'm so sorry I should of come straight up here. Feel like a total bitch now!"
"Don't be silly babe, I don't expect you to be with me constantly." I reassure her.
"I had such a blast yesterday by the way lovely" she says as she gets her phone out of her bag to text Dean. "Your folks are really cool, was nice to meet them"
"Thanks babe" I cant help but feel down, even with Skye right next to me I feel isolated and alone. I can tell she wants to talk, and probably about Dean, but I just not feeling it this morning. All I can think about is mum, and how she will be feeling right now. And I am saved as Mr Nunn walks in and the room goes silent.

The rest of the day is fairly trouble free, I spend break alone because Skye goes to find Dean, and we spend lunchtime sitting on the grass watching him strut around playing football. When it comes to home time Skye gives me a big hug,
"I hope your mum is all good babe. Send her my love and call or text me if you need to talk later ok?"
"I will babe, thank you" I tell her as I pull away from her embrace.
"See ya Lucy" Dean says as he and Skye walk off in the opposite direction. As I watch them leave I see Dean take Skye's hand and as my heart gets heavy I turn and start the walk home.

I get home and find dad in the kitchen, making a cup of tea.
"Hey munchkin, do you want a cup of tea?" He asks as he sees me.
"Yeah go on then" I reply "Where's mum?"
"She is on the sofa watching TV"
"Ah ok, how is she? Was it OK today?"
"It wasn't nice Lu to be honest. But it is something that is going to help mum get better. Mum wasn't too bad she was very nervous but you know your mum, she just made the best she could" he says as he brings me my tea over, walking back to the sink he adds "But seeing others there, people who are a lot further into their treatments......." He just trails off staring out of the window, I can see his eyes filling up. I rush over to him and wrap my arms around him squeezing him from behind, he doesn't turn and I know why. He doesn't want me to see him upset.
"She will be ok dad, she is stronger than both of us put together" I whisper as I hold onto him as tight as I can.
"I know she is pumpkin, you're right" He eventually turns and holds me in his arms, kissing the top of my head.
"Can I go in and see her?" I say looking up at him.
"Of course you can, be quiet at first though, it really has wiped her, so she may be sleeping" he tells me.

I walk out and into the living, mum is lying there awake, but just staring at the wall rather than the TV. She looks very tired and very ashen.
"Hey mum" I say quietly. "Can I get you anything?" She looks up at me and smiles holding out her hand, I take it and she pulls me down so I lay with her.
"I just want a cuddle from my little Lucy lu" she says as she holds me.
"How are you feeling?" I ask her as I snuggle into her.
"Tired sweetheart, very tired. And nauseous." She replies wearily.
"How was school? Skye OK?" She asks
"Yeah it was ok, and yeah she is. She told me to tell you she is thinking of you"
"Ah, that's sweet"
"What do you want for dinner? I will cook whatever you want" I say.
"To be honest sweetheart I am not sure I can stomache anything"
"You have to eat, its important to have a good diet, it says so in your information packet" I tell her sternly.
"I know but honestly sweetheart I feel whipped. Maybe because it my first treatment but I would rather go to bed have an early night and hopefully feel more like me in the morning. I might try some soup later" she tells me.
"Was it really bad?" I ask
"The actual treatment wasn't really bad. Uncomfortable but not bad. It was just being there really." She says.
I stroke her hair away from her face, I don't know wether it is the effects of the chemo, or stress but her eyes all of a sudden look different, like they have aged 10 years overnight. She smiles at me and asks "what are you looking at sweetie?"
"I'm just looking at how beautiful you are." I tell her as I take my time, thinking just how amazing she actually is. "I love you mother" I say with a smirk.
She tries to laugh but I can tell it is a struggle.
"Thank you Luce" she kisses my forehead. "You know it been a long time since you came and snuggled with me on the sofa like this. I like it"
"Yeah I like it too, amazing what a dose of chemo can do isn't is." This time she does laugh. We both do as we just lay there holding onto each other.

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