Twenty Three

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The last week of school flies by, and before I know it I am walking into school Thursday for the last day of term.
"Merry Christmas frog face" I hear from across the playground. My head instantly goes down and I march on. Blocking out the jeers and laughter.
I get up to tutor and Skye and Erica are already there.
"Hey you two" I say as I plonk myself down on my chair.
"Hi" Erica says.
"Morning lovely" Skye replies.
"I cant believe it last day of term finally." Erica says as she sits playing on here phone.
"Babe, you have only been here two weeks" I say with a giggle.
"I know, but I did go to school before I came here ya know." She replies sarcastically. I just laugh.
"No I know what you mean. I can't wait to be away from here for two weeks, no lessons, no stress, no Ruby!" I say.
"No us either" Erica says with a pout.
"We will still see each other over holidays." Skye tells her.
"When you're not smooching." I tell her with a grin.
"Meh, there has not been too much of that going on lately to be honest." Skye says. "So sure I will have plenty of time to hang with you guys."
"Yay!" Erica says. "About the hanging out I mean, not your lack of tongue action." Which makes both me and Skye laugh loud. Erica not quite understanding why we are laughing so hard. Then she gets it and blushes as she says "I didn't mean that you dirty bitches" joining in the laughter.
"There has definately not been any tongue action." Skye tells us. Which makes my mind wander instantly. Trying to get off subject I say
"How would you both like to come to mine Saturday? We can have a real girls night. Put on a couple of films, have some snacks."
"Sounds good to me." Skye tells me.
"I cant this Saturday." Erica says. "I would, but I have Ruby's birthday party to go to." She tells us sheepishly. Me and Skye both stare open mouthed. Before she bursts out laughing. "I am joking of course. Like I would get invited and even if I was, like I would actually go. Course I will come, will be fun!" She adds. Ruby's big 16th party has been the talk all week. Of course none of us have been involved in those talks, none of us would ever get en invite and like Erica said, none of us would ever actually want to go.

As the classroom fills up, the excited chatting gets louder and louder. The bitch clique walks in, Ruby starts walking round the room, talking to people asking if they are coming to her party. As she gets closer to our table I feel my body tensing, the apprehension building. She fixes me with a look of pure hatred and I feel myself shrinking in my seat. She turns and starts talking to Amanda a girl who sits in front of me.
"You're coming mand right?" She asks
"Yeah I will be there, but not til about eight, because I have to go shopping with mum first" the girl replies.
"That's fine babe, at least I won't have any sluts there this time, trying to bang my man." She says loud enough for the whole class to hear, and I immediately feel every set of eyes on me. I feel Skye go to get up next to me.
"Babe, leave it please." I plead through gritted teeth.
"Luce you just need to show her you are not going to take it anymore. She is a cowardly piece of shit. She will stop!" Skye says to me.
"It's not that easy babe." I tell her, feeling myself getting upset. The familiar emotions setting it, making me feel worthless.

At break I am walking over to the football pitches to find Skye and Erica, as I walk around the P.E block I walk right into Ruby and her cronies.
"Oh look girls, I was just talking about tramps wasn't I?" She sneers as they all laugh. I go to walk around them and she takes a sidestep blocking me.
"How's your mum doing fish face?" She says.
"Don't you dare fucking talk about my mum, ever." I growl before I can even stop myself. I barge her out of the way and as I go to walk away she grabs my hair , making me yelp loud enough for Skye to look over all the way over from the football pitches. She immediately gets up and starts running towards us. As Ruby pulls me back, "I am not finished with you yet bitch" she says "I was being nice, and asking about your mum. I take it she is not dead yet? Mind you she probably wishes she was. If I was your mum, I'd die from the shame of having given birth to you."
I snap. From somewhere deep inside me all my emotion comes out, I punch her hard in the face, catching her right on the nose, I feel the cartilage crunch from the force as she let's out a scream of pain. Grabbing her hair I spin her around and throw her against the wall. I hit her again, twice as I lose all control. Screaming at her.
All of a sudden I am pulled away by a pair of strong hands, I look to see Mr Nunn standing there, as Skye reaches us shortly followed by Erica, a crowd has gathered hearing all the commotion. I look at Ruby standing there, her hair a wild mess, two red blotches on her face where I punched her and blood streaming from her nose. As she stands there I see two emotions clearly emanating from her, the first is shock and the second is fear, as tears run down her face, she tells Mr Nunn, "she just attacked me! She is a fucking mental bitch!" I try to get at her again, I have completely lost control, all the fear, all the shame, all the anger I have kept inside me for the last two years exploding out of me at once. Mr Nunn holds me tight just as two other teachers come running over. Mr Edwards our head of year and our school counsellor Miss Hansen. Mr Edwards glares at me as he says "Lucy, you get up to my office right now, do you hear me? You are not to speak to anyone. Sit outside and wait for me!" He orders me.

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