Chapter 7

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"She literally slept for the whole journey" I faintly hear Ashton's voice as I slowly start to wake up. He cuts the engine and the sound of the waves disappear as he closes his car window.

"How should we wake her up" Luke asks him awkwardly as I feel my seat move with him leaning forward to take a look at me.

"I'm awake" I yawn with my eyes closed still.

"I'm not going to lie I was starting to think you were like dead or something" Ashton laughs as we all start to unbuckle our seatbelts "I just kept thinking, I'm not going to break the news to Taylor. I feel like she'd chuck a right hook in my direction or something!"

I laugh at the image and nod as I grab my bag "I don't think you're far off".

We all climb out of our car at the same time Michael pulls into the car park. Luke explains that Calum had too much water in the car and they needed to stop at the services so he could use the toilet. Therefore, we got to the beach first meaning they owe us a drink. I look over at Taylor as Michael turns the engine off and pretend that we've been waiting for ages by looking at my watch and yawning dramatically. She responds with her middle finger, typical Taylor. Michael gets out first and heads to his boot. He pulls out a box of beer and we all go over to collect our bags from the beach. Taylor points to the bag she's packed for me and Luke hands it to me. Everyone has their hands full as we make our way to the pretty much empty beach.

We all pick a spot on the sand that's not too far from the water and start making ourselves comfortable. We all lay our towels down on the sand, Taylor and Calum put theirs together behind me, Michael puts his the other side of Taylor and Luke and Ashton are either side of me.

"Who wants one?" Michael says opening a can of beer. Everyone takes one and then sits down on their towels.

"What a lovely day" I say whilst taking in the sea air.

"I love the beach. It's so relaxing." Luke says quietly.

"It really is" I agree smiling at him.

Gentle conversation fills the group as we take in our surroundings. The air smells so fresh and there's a gentle breeze that cools you down just as the sun begins to make you feel too hot. Calum and Taylor pretty much finish their beers at the same time as Calum stretches and lifts his top up above his head. "Who's joining me in the sea then" he questions as I realise the guys are all wearing swimming shorts rather than actual shorts. 

Taylor, Michael and Luke all agree to going in the see. Michael and Luke take their shirts off too leaving them in the sand as Taylor lifts up her dress revealing that she's already wearing her bikini.

"Anna your bikini is in your bag" Taylor tells me as if to say you're joining us. Calum grabs Taylor's hand and they beginning running into the sea with Michael and Luke closely behind them.

I take another sip of my beer as I watch them scream and shout as the cold British sea water hits their skin. Taylor jumps on Calum's back in an attempt to get out of the water but Calum trips and they both end up going under the water. Michael and Luke play fight briefly before dunking each other. Once their shoulders are under the water the screaming starts to quieten and is just replaced with laughter.

"Are you going to go in" Ashton asks as he nods towards the sea.

"Maybe in a bit, I think I'll finish my beer first" I take another sip as I watch them all being tackled by the waves.

"Yeah that sounds like a plan" he smiles and takes a sip of his beer too. "Was this a good idea, you know, dragging you out to the beach with us?" He asks.

Let's Start AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora