Chapter 6

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It turns out a bit of me time was exactly what I needed as I feel much more relaxed now. Once I got back from bowling I ordered myself a takeaway and then ran myself a bath with lots of candles and bath salts to help me unwind. Taylor text me earlier in the evening to say that she's going to stay at Calum's house and asked if I'd be ok with her being out all night again. I reassured her I was fine and that if there was a problem she was literally 5 minutes down the road anyways. I then put on a movie as I laid down on the sofa slowly making my way through a bottle of wine.

By the time the movie finished it had gone 11pm so I decided it would be best for me to head up to bed rather than continue drinking. I yawn as I stand up and turn the TV off before making my way to the stairs leaving the empty bottle of wine on the coffee table which I'll tidy in the morning. Just as I turn the lights off downstairs there's a rather loud knock at my front door. The noise instantly shattered my relaxed mood as I realise I'm alone, it's late and that it won't be Taylor as she's already told me she's staying at Calum's. I pause for a moment and then curiosity takes over; I quietly go to my window and peep out the curtains to see if I can see who it is before I decide if I want to open the door or not. However there no one on the front porch so I quickly skim my front garden but again, there's no one there. Did I imagine it? Has the wine gone to my head and the paranoia taken over? I sigh in frustration as I head back over to the stairs. It takes seconds for me to walk upstairs and go into my room, before I know it my head has hit the pillow and I fall into the deepest of sleeps.

When I wake up the next morning I feel how clammy I am and that my breathing has quickened. I once again had another vivid dream of that night, the night I don't talk about. I thought I'd passed this stage but it still haunts me, he still haunts me. I rub my eyes and climb out of bed feeling more tired than before I went to sleep last night. I take a couple of painkillers that are on my bedside cabinet to help with my hangover and decide to jump into the shower, in an attempt to wash everything away.

By the time I'm ready for the day it's late morning. I check my phone and Taylor hasn't messaged, I find myself smiling at the thought of how completely loved up she is at the moment. My head is still a little unsettled so I grab my headphones and put on some calming music before making my way downstairs. Half way down the stairs I look at the front door and remember someone knocking on it late last night. I still can't work or whether it was my mind playing tricks on me or not. I feel myself staring at the door as I think about it before making my way into the kitchen.

Whilst the kettle boils and the music plays through my headphones I slowly drift into my own little world. I walk over to the cupboard and grab myself a cup and then walk over to the fridge to get the milk. I place the milk back on the side next to the kettle but before I'm able to put the cup down I feel someone touch my arm causing me to jump and drop the cup which smashes on the floor around me. I immediately take my headphones out and turn around whilst catching my breath. The panic I feel leaves me instantly as I see Taylor looking back at me with a confused but slightly amused look on her face.

"Woah" she gasps at the smashed glass around us.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I tell her as I'm still clutching my chest trying to catch my breath.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you hadn't heard me. Why are you so jumpy? Did something happen last night?" She questions suddenly looking concerned.

I pause as I wonder whether to mention that someone may or may not have knocked at my door last night or that my nightmares are back. But I decide not to say anything because right now I'm trying to forget it all rather than discuss it.

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