Chapter 2

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When I was a child my family started their own catering business which developed over the years. Once I was old enough they let me work Saturdays with them on big events which was fun, but it also gave me ideas of what I wanted to do when I was an adult. It was around 4 years ago now when Taylor and I approached my father with a business deal to help expand the family business. We pitched them how our party planning skills could merge together with their catering services and therefore clients hire us to do everything for them at a set price. We trialled it for a year and it was so successful that my parents decided to offer us a business deal where we became Partners of their business, Party With Us. This then meant that Taylor and I did all the work behind the scenes as in come up with the ideas but on the event date my parents and their employees would actually deliver the service. So it's like we're silent partners which we love. Usually Taylor and I would log on and work from home to respond to enquires and other admin tasks behind the event, but this morning I just couldn't sleep so decided to get up and go to my parents office to get some work done. My parents rent out an office in a building that has 9 other floors all for different companies. We're on the second floor and store all our equipment there for events as well as having several computers for us to work on. My parents are currently up in Manchester working at a wedding and then go on to another wedding the day after so the office is empty for a change. It's surprising how much work you can get through when you're using it to escape from reality. Before I knew it, it was 5:30pm so I decided that enough was enough and it was time to head back home. I quickly shut down my computer and pack away my belongings that I've scattered around my desk during the day before making my way to the door. After I've locked the office up and I head set the alarm I head to the staircase which overlooks the buildings car park. I can see my car parked perfectly in its little space, there aren't many other cars in the car park but its still daylight out so I'm not particularly worried, although I do feel uneasy when I'm by myself sometimes.

I made my way out the back of the building and walk through the carpark when I notice someone is standing by my car. Their back is to me and they're half shielded by a brick wall so I can't make out who they are. My first thought is that its Lee so I naturally begin as to panic as I approach. My pace has slowed right down as I decide to get my car keys and my phone out in case I need to call for help. However when I got closer I realise it doesn't actually look like Lee at all. This persons body frame is different to Lees, they're not as stocky and his hair was a slightly different shade. The unknown figure must have heard the jingling sound of my keys as they spun around to face me for the first time and that's when I finally relax. I can't believe I didn't recognise him before, it's myw friend Allen, my mind sure is playing tricks on me.

"You really scared me I couldn't work out who you were" I said as I approached holding my chest in relief.

"Oh sorry; I should have told you I was outside by your car. Come here and give me a cuddle" Allen said whilst opening his arms. He has a sympathetic smile on his face almost like someone's died, but they haven't. It's because he's the one who saw Lee with the other girl and also knows what Lee is like so like Taylor, he's worried about me.

For some reason though I can't help but hesitate slightly as I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I'm usually ok but I have my bad days and this is one of them. Sometimes I just struggle to let a guy near me so the thought of having someones arms wrapped around me is the last thing I want right now. But I remind myself that it's Allen and it's also not his fault I'm feeling this way, he's just being friendly. I put on my convincing fake smile that only Taylor sees through and approach him as confidently as possible allowing his arms to wrap around me. I slowly wrap my arms around him in return giving him a friendly pat on his back before pulling away.

"How are you?" I ask him whilst unlocking my car signalling for him to get into the passenger seat. He quickly walks round to that side of the car as I open my door and get in.

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