Chapter 3

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By the time I get home I feel more in control again, my breathing is back to normal and I don't feel as panicked. I do however just want to go inside, log the door and switch off from the world for a while. Taylor's car is parked outside so I'm guessing she's home she knowing Allen he's probably already given her a heads up on Nando's so she'll want to talk to me about it. But I hope she'll leave it for tonight as I really don't want to talk about the whole incident.

As I open our front door it quickly became clear to me that Taylor wasn't home as our glasses from last night are still on the side and I know she would have cleaned them up for me if she was home. I put my bag on the dining table, walk over to the kitchen sink and quickly wash up our glasses. After I've dried my hands I put the kettle on as I have a sudden craving for a quick caffeine fix. Whilst the kettles boiling my phone starts to ring. I instantly feel irritated when I see Allen's name as the caller ID. I decide to ignore his call, finish making my coffee and then head up to my room.

Once I get to my room I place my coffee on the side as my phone vibrates again only this time it's a text from Taylor.

"Calum turned up and has taken me out for dinner tonight! We're all still going to go bowling tomorrow though with his friends. Don't wait up, T xx"

I smile at how happy she is, I can just hear the excitement in her voice as I read her message. I put my phone on charge and close my eyes as I think of everything that happened over the past hour with Lee and Allen. When I open my eyes though the sun was creeping through the window. It turns out I'd actually fallen asleep, in my clothes and with all my make up on. It's now morning and I feel all hot and sticky from my nap that ended up being a full nights sleep.

I literally get straight out of bed and have a quick shower so I'm fresh for the day. I can hear Taylor is downstairs on the phone to someone so I get ready quickly incase we'll be leaving soon for this bowling trip she has planned for ya. As I make my way down the stairs I can hear her putting the kettle on.

"Morning sleepy head" Taylor says with a smile as I walk into the living room. She gets a cup out of the cupboard for us and starts making our coffees. Her face is just completely lit up, almost like she's won the lottery or something.

"You're rather happy this morning, I wonder why that is?" I say sarcastically and she smirked. "How was last night?"

Taylor smiles again as she fills up our cups. "Last night was amazing. Calum and I were texting during the day and he said he can't wait much longer to see me. Literally like half an hour later he was at our door with a red rose and took me out to El Pasta."

"El Pasta? That so expensive there and I swear getting a table there is like gold dust as it's so popular!" I can't help but interrupt as I'm shocked but so happy for her to be treated so lovely.

"I know, the food was amazing too we ate so much and he refused to let me pay or even split the bill. Honestly Anna, I know it it's early days but I genuinely feel like this is the real deal" Taylor is just bursting with pride as she talks and is already completely head of hills for this guy.

"What happened after the meal; oh did you guys kiss?" I ask excitedly. Taylor brings our coffees over and joins me at our kitchen table trying to hide the biggest smile I've seen on her face in a long time. "You did didn't you?" I ask laughing.

"Well um, I ended up going back to his" She finally admits.

"What!?" I gasp in disbelief as that's very out of character for her.

"Oh no nothing like that" she quickly clarifies "we went back to his place and he introduced me to the 3 guys he lives with. Their house is ridiculous, you know the road literally across from Gatesford Park, that really big house on the corner?"

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