"Because she was-" Spencer's answer got cut off by Derek's phone ringing.

"Hey baby girl, what's up?" Derek asked.

"I got a search warrant for Y/n's phone and she can't be the unsub. She made a phone call to a number that she had made many phone calls to 5 minutes before the victim was killed. The number belongs to Spencer. Now I know he wouldnt have anything to do with a murder so Im on my way to talk to them both. There's something going on and I want to be in on the gossip." Penelope started.

Penelope hung up and Derek turned to you and Spencer. Spencer was helping you out of the handcuffs. He rubbed your wrist for you as the rest of the team filled the room.

"Where were you?" You asked.

"I was at the crime scene. I'm so sorry I had no idea they even thought you could have done this." Spencer said.

"It's ok." You whispered.

"So, he was who you were busy with?" Derek asked.

"Yes. I just knew he didn't like talking about his personal life so I wasn't going to tell you all that." You answered.

Penelope ran into the room, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. She entered the room and everyone looked towards her.

"You guys better not have started asking questions without me." She said.

"Calm down, we haven't." Derek laughed.

"I will not calm down, Spencer could possibly have a girlfriend and I do not want to miss anything." She exclaimed.

"Garcia, this is Y/n, as you know. She is my girlfriend." Spencer said.

"OMG. How long have you been together? How did you meet? Who made the first move? How long did it take for you to get together?" She started throwing out questions.

"Wow, Garcia, one question at a time." Spencer laughed.

"Before we get into questions I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you. I'm so sorry, I just thought you were the unsub so I was trying to get a confession out of you." Derek apologized.

"It's ok. I understand." You said.

"Ok. Questions. How long have you been together?" Garcia asked.

"We have been together for 3 years, 11 months, 26 days, 16 hours and 5 minutes." Spencer answered.

"You have known each other for that long and you never told us about her?" Garcia gasped.

"Actually we have known each other for 5 years." You said.

"How did you all meet?" Derek asked.

"We ran into each other at a coffee shop. I was there getting coffee so I could handle all the kids in my class, being a teacher isn't as easy as it seems. He was there getting a coffee just because he loves their coffee." You answered.

"I don't want this to seem rude. You all are a lovely couple but do you ever get comments on being different races?" Rossi asked.

"We do but we ignore them. We love each other so that's all that matters." Spencer answered.

Something clicked in JJs brain then. Everyone can see the realisation on her face. Soon a smirk was taking over her face.

"When we first started integrating you, you said you were 'tied up' with something. I may be wrong but was that hinting at something kinky?" She asked.

You cleared your throat, suddenly lost for words. Spencer's face heated up and he glanced over at you. You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. The team burst out laughing. Other than Hotch, he just broke out into a smile.

"You're telling me Spencer ties you up in bed?" Morgan asked.

All you could do was nod your head. What else was you supposed to do?

"No way. No way. Omg my boy wonder does that?" Penelope practically screamed.

"He does a lot more than that." You said.

"Y/n." Spencer whined.

You felt a small smirk appear on your face. You knew this could get you in trouble. Talking about your all's sex life with his coworkers.

"Oh really?" Emily asked.

"Yeah." You said.

They started to ask more questions about your all's sex life. You answered every one with a smile on your face. Soon enough Hotch tells everyone to get back to work. You kissed Spencer bye and left.

"Be ready when I get home. You're in trouble." Spencer whispered in your ear.

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now