Twin AU

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Damian and Marinette were twins. Ra's al Ghul wasn't particularly... happy... with the fact that his daughter ended up having both a son and a daughter. He tried to dispose of Marinette but Talia had told him that Marinette would get more training than Damian.

He accepted.

Though he was really hard on Marinette.

Damian looked up to his Grandfather... yes.

But part of him wanted to stop him from hurting his sister.

Because he loved his sister dearly. He was always there to help her through thick and thin just like she had been for him.

He couldn't imagine a life without his sister.

She was always so bright.

So... Marinette.

Yet of course one thing ruined it all.

The day the League was attacked.

The day when Ra's al Ghul died.

Talia was trying to get her children out of there. Her plan was to take them to their father.

Damian wanted to desperately help his grandfather but his mother assured him there was nothing to do. Marinette had given him a big hug and told him it would be okay. So he believed her.

But it wasn't.

They were going through a cave. Talia was trying to get them to go as quickly as possible. Damian looked so numb. Marinette was trying to keep up. But her leg was hurting. She thinks she might have sprained it.

There were some noises from the entrance of the cave. Then rumbling. Talia, Damian and Marinette looked confused.

Suddenly there were things falling and blocking a part of the cave. Marinette was close to it. The impact had pushed her back. Giving it just enough time to consume her.

Talia was trying to look for her. Damian was in shock, believed her as dead. It wasn't till after Talia took Damian to their father that she finally found Marinette.

Damian already thought of her as dead. So why take her to her father?

Talia took her to Paris. She was then adopted by a sweet baker couple.

Marinette didn't care. She just wanted her brother back.

Damian didn't care that he was in a new environment. He was so angry at himself. He didn't save his grandfather and now his sister is most likely dead. He took his anger out on everyone at his new house.

He didn't tell them about his sister as he grew.

After all... why should he? Talking about her wouldn't make her come back.


As both Marinette and Damian grew older they grew to miss each other more.

When the day that they got separated came around they were extra gloomy and nobody knew why.

The Waynes just thought Damian always woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day.

Marinette's 'parents' and her 'friends' just thought that she didn't get enough sleep and was just in a bad mood.

When really... both were just missing their twin. Their best friend.

As time passed for Marinette she had a bunch of ups and downs in life. She met some people who became her friends. Became Ladybug. Met who she thought was the love of her life. Lila came. Took all those friends. And removed the love from her life. Her adopted parents believed the liar.

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