Marinette's TikTok

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Marinette was born into the League of Assassins and was child hood best friends with Damian. They also got betrothed at the age of 6 and never left each other's side. They still stayed in contact after the attack and Marinette got to visit Damian every summer. She knows every thing about Damian and his family sees her as apart of their own family. Then you all know the liar part blah blah her only friends are Chloe, Kagami, Alix, Nino, and Luka.... blah blah blah. More info in the one shot :) OH Hawkmoth is also defeated and Marinette is allowed to reveal herself as Ladybug since nobody except her family knows she is the guardian.


Alya was scrolling through youtube on her tv with her class. They all are in their last year of highschool and they decided to stay the night at Alya's house. The only people who are not there are the MPS because they think they all dropped out. Alya still loves Nino and Adrien loves Marinette but things just didn't work out.

ANYWAYS. While she was scrolling she stopped on a video and looked at it with wides eyes.

"Click on that video. There is a 90% chance it's Marinette." Max states.

So Alya clicks on the video and the class watches. Good thing they can speak english.

In video~

The beginning starts out with Marinette starring at the camera. Suddenly she smiles and snaps her finger to the side and says, "HOLA BITCHES!" Then there is a a beep and it shows that actual video.

"Hello people from all over the world! My name is Marinette. Before we get started there will be translations of this video down in the description so if you don't speak english then you can at least know what I say.

Anyways... This video is basically just explaining my life. If you are from Paris... you probably know me as a sweet, bubbly girl... who is basically way to clumsy for her own good. Well what if I said that was all a mask. Yup you heard it.. I faked that.

I wasn't born in Paris. I was born in a place... that really isn't considered good but at the time I didn't know better. Anyways... they taught me many different languages and martial arts. You know fighting. Then they also taught education. Now I learned all of this from the day that I walked to the day I left. I was so smart I could've been a college graduate at the age of 6.

That was also the place I met Damian Wayne since his mother raised me with him. My parents were in Paris because... I don't really know why. Anyways Damian was really rude to others but not to me. Like he just said I was his favorite person there..."

"I did not! I said you were adequate." Damian says from behind Marinette causing Marinette to squeak and jump.

"Get out of the shot demon!" Marinette says while pushing him out of the way. Then there is a beep and then it's to the next clip.

"Sorry about that. ANYWAYS. Damian was my best friend so that's fun. When we both left the place we kept in contact and I visited him every summer with my mom saying I went on vacation to China or something... Gotta love my mom." Marinette smiles.

"Are you gonna talk about you and Damian getting a forced marriage at the age of 6?" Someone asks in the back ground making Marinette turn to that person.

"Shut up brat! Or I will cut you into pieces and feed them to a tiger!" Marinette whispers but it's still audible.

"Anyways... don't mind what that person said... although it's true... ANYWAYS, I went to live with my parents in Paris... FUN! Then I had to put on this very fake cover because the real me is-" Marinette gets cut off again by what sounds like... Chloe..

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