Childhood Frenemies/Lovers AU

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"Malak!" A 10 year old Damian screamed. The fighting was loud. The smell of iron was getting worse. All he wanted to do was find his Angel.

"Dami!" 10 year old Marinette screamed. She ran towards him. There was blood on her and she had a few cuts.

Damian pulled her closer and held her tightly. He didn't want to lose her.

"Damian!" Talia yelled as she rushed to them followed by Master Fu and Marinette's mother. "We have to go." She then proceeded to drag Damian away.

"Mother wait! What about Malak?" Damian questioned as he tried to stop his mother.

"She'll be fine. Fu and Sabine are taking her to safety. I am taking you to your father." Talia said.

Damian was getting ready to argue but Talia immediately shut him up with a look.

That was the last he ever saw Marinette.


10 year old Marinette was scared. Talia had just dragged Damian off and she didn't know what she was gonna do to him.

"Maman? What is Miss Talia gonna do to Dami!" Marinette asked as she was being rushed to a secret cave.

"Don't worry sweetie. She is taking him to his father in order to keep him safe." Sabine smiled down at her daughter.

Master Fu patted the young girls head. "Don't worry little one, you two will meet again."

"Where are we going?" Marinette asked.

"To Paris, so we can finally live with your father." Sabine smiled.

Although Marinette's had tears in her eyes she smiled a little. "Okay...."


That was 8 years ago. Marinette was now 18. Currently hero of Paris, Leader of the Miraculous Team, Ladybug.

She has been through a lot. Lila came, lied, broke Marinette all over again, got revealed, and then left. All the people who believed Lila had apologized to Marinette. Their friendship was never the same.

The only person who believe Marinette was Chloe. Though her friend group consists of Alya, Adrien, Nino, Alix, Kim, Luka, Kagami, Chloe, and Max.

None of them knew about her assassin years. None of them knew about Damian, her demon.

Marinette often wondered where Damian would have went. She knew he was with his father. But was he safe? Was he truly okay? Who exactly was his father?

She never got the answers.

She missed him dearly. She no doubt loved him a lot. She wanted her best friend/crush to come back. Though when she thought about him... she often wondered if he even remembers her.

Meanwhile on the other half of the globe was Damian.

He often sat at his bed. A single tear rolling down his cheek. He would look up at the ceiling and just wonder if the girl he grew to love was ok.

When Damian had arrived at his father's house he was turned away immediately. They called him a monster. It took forever for him to earn their trust. But once he did he never truly felt at home.

His brothers (mainly Dick) were nice. Cassandra was his favorite sibling though. She was quiet. But she understood him in a way that his other siblings didn't.

Damian constantly does things in order to show he is worthy of his family's love.

He may seem strong but on the inside he is broken.

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