Jealousy Jealousy

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(Request by NareliZetina)


"Daddy? When will I be able to help fight the bad guys?" A 6 year old Marinette asks her father.

Bruce looks at his daughter from his spot in front of the bat computer and sighs.

"The thing that me and your brothers do is very dangerous. So you must understand why I don't want you involved."

"But Daaaad! I want to help." Marinette pouts.

"I don't want you to get hurt!" Bruce raises his voice slightly.

Marinette looks at her father as tears form in her eyes.

"Marine-" Bruce starts but Marinette just stomps off as tears fall from her eyes.

Bruce sighs.


"Why are you doing this? I don't wanna leave!" Marinette cries as her luggage is being hauled into a limo.

"Marinette... I want to protect you! Gotham is far too dangerous for a sweet girl like you." Bruce said as Jason, Dick and Tim stood behind him, tears in all of their eyes as they see their 10 year old sister about to leave.

Marinette tries to reply but she couldn't. All she did was turn around and walk towards the limo.


Marinette's temporary guardians were Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng. They were nice at first but they soon neglected her.

School was okay. Marinette made some friends but she never fully trusted anybody. Everybody turned on her once Liar Rossi came though.

The only person Marinette trusts fully is her boyfriend, Luka Stone. He has stuck by her ever since they met which was when she was 13. They started dating at 15 and now they are 18.

Luka is the one that got her into music. He also helped her when she figured out that her father adopted some more children and they are also part of the Batfam.

Marinette stays with Jagged and Luka seeing as her guardians kicked her out. Marinette also hasn't talked to her father in a while seeing as she is upset with him. Yes, he has tried to talk to her but she ignores his calls.

During her time in Paris, Marinette had made a name for her self as a singer called 'Nettie'. That's how she ended up here.

Marinette is currently getting ready to go on stage. Jagged had offered to let her preform as a little surprise. Now nobody has seen Nettie preform before... they don't even know what she looks like... so this is a big step. It's a big step that Marinette is ready to take.

"Now it's time for the special little surprise I have for my rock n' roll fans..." Jagged says as the crowd cheers.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Non-binary folks, PLEASE WELCOME TO THE STAGE... NETTIE!"

As that is said the lights turn off. Nobody could see.

Marinette made her way to the middle of the stage and put her head down as she lifts the microphone to her mouth. The spot light hits her as she starts singing and she lifts her head slowly.

"I kind of wanna my phone across the room, 'cause all I see are girls too good to be true. With paper-white teeth and perfect bodies, wish I didn't care. I know that beauty is not my lack... but it feels like that. Weight is on my back, and I can't let it go...."

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