Chapter 18: Battle at Sea Part 3

Start from the beginning

After all the bombs were dropped, chaos and mayhem were everywhere. The Mongols tried to extinguish the flames, but the fire was too intense and engulfed ships with speeds that barely gave any time for the Mongols to react. Looking down at their work the bomber crews celebrated their victory and flew home as did the PBYs.

John's POV

"And... here... we... go"

Pushing the throttle forward and releasing the brake, the plane pushed forward and off the carrier deck.

Fleet Admiral Nimitz gave the order to launch all planes and destroy the last 1,500 Mongol ships fleeing back home. The other fleet between Midway and Hawaii is sinking, and any surviving ships are being sunk by destroyers, surviving Mongols are captured as POWs.

This may very well be the last battle and if so everyone single one of us must fight and make every bomb, torpedo, and bullet count.

Pulling my plane up into the sky and forming up with my squad, we flew in the direction of the fleeing Mongols.

"Hey Iris, final mission, protect me and I'll protect you yeah?" I reminded my gunner who chuckled, "I know, I know, I'll protect you" Iris said. Looking out the canopy of my plane at the big blue sky and suns rays, the view up here is beyond beautiful, and the view people get from the ground is nothing compared to what you can get up here.

(Song: The Last Dive from Midway)

An hour turned to two hours into the flight, no one had seen anything on the water, and it seemed that the mission was pointless, and we'd have to return home. Then on the horizon I could see something, quickly looking through my pair of binoculars I saw the retreating fleet.

"Mongols spotted, dead ahead about 30 miles" I informed Richard Best who spread the word around quickly, continuing to fly straight and keeping our eyes glued to the ships a problem came our way.

"We got company dead ahead!" Richard Best said and looking ahead I saw nothing but moving my eyes down a little bit I saw maybe a thousand dragons flying up towards us. The first fireball passed in front of me nearly killing us and when the dragons began firing everyone scattered and the gunners opening fire on the dragons.

Looking down I saw the torpedo bombers skimming the surface, looking back ahead I laid eyes on a dragon flying at me. Pulling the trigger, I riddled the dragon before it could fire and rolled to avoid its corpse slamming into the propeller, looking down again this time at the fleet I made out maybe 50 dragon carriers, the last dragon carriers.

Picking out my target, I entered a steep dive and my plane screamed towards the fleet. The Mongols aboard the ships were ready and began firing everything they had at us, flames and high-powered arrows zipped past I had to squint my eyes at times. However, they never once left the ship.

Getting to above 1,000 feet I dropped my first 650-pound bomb, Richard Best had taught us his trick on sinking multiple ships and now everyone was using to destroy the fleet. The bomb tore through the deck and exploded sending the front half of the ship in the air.

Turning hard to the right, I aimed the plane at another dragon carrier that had destroyed multiple diving Dauntless's, releasing the other 650-pound bomb I banked away from the ship before the dragons on the deck could shoot at me. The bomb appeared to smack into the ships side if that were the case then the huge ship will start sinking in a moment.

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