𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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How long had it been. A week. Months. Classic simply lost count as his life seemed to fade into the norm. As his troubles finally seemed to ease off him, weighing less on his back and mind. Let him breathe a true breath of fresh air. It had been desirable for him to just have a calm life without bringing risk or concerns. A life that ran smooth and had few hurdles to cross.

Yet, there were also lingering thoughts. On what; simply the stranger that he'd learned went by the name of 'Nightmare'. His tormentor for a time who suddenly came to a change of heart. Who seemed to vanish into thin air and never make a reappearance. It left Classic pondering reasons. Reasons for the abrupt apology. Reasons for the sudden change and choices. It had been a time since the conversation they last shared, but it didn't give him much clarity on matters that focused on Nightmare. A real mystery that Classic found himself forgiving in the past.

Even with everything Nightmare had done and said, there wasn't much Classic held over him. Words worked far better than violence. Which led Classic to overcome the troubles of the past and discard the feelings that weighed. To throw away the anger he once felt. Sure, he was irked at the choices of Nightmare, but everyone deserves a second chance. He truly believed that, even if Classic felt he'd never see Nightmare again.

It wasn't farfetched to assume that the other would avoid Classic. Avoiding him meant avoiding the cafe as well, leaving Classic on a heavy rain day inside the Cafe in a silence as Ccino had taken his leave upstairs. It left him leaning along the counter, fingers tapping to the rhythm of each drop that was blown into the glass of the door. The only real sound beyond the minimal chatter that came from the few customers.

It often made Classic wonder in recent days why he found himself thinking about Nightmare. Thinking about someone who would have preferred to never show his face after being forced into an apology. There was such a small chance they would ever meet in public, which left not much of a possibility out there. It was more possible that the two wouldn't interlock eyes ever again, than find a time to sit down and actually meet up. To prove that the past wasn't anything beyond the past. A mere memory to be left to flutter into the evenings and vanish by day's light.

"Classic? Are you in there?" The sudden voice seemed to freeze his finger from its rhythm as his gaze shifted, focus seeming to draw to the present as he gave an apologetic look to Ccino. His one and only real friend. The light in his life for such a length of time. Ccino was irreplaceable to him, truthfully. "You've been staring off for a while now, so what's on your mind?"

Classic hesitated, rubbing his chin. He didn't know what to say; especially since his answer would no doubt concern and confuse Ccino entirely. Which left him chewing along the tip of his finger as he shrugged. Searched for any reason to avoid the conversation as a whole. He may be hung over a certain someone's disappearance, but that didn't mean he sought to be open about the content of his mind's troubles. "It's nothing, just thinking on a thought. You know me..."

Ccino seemed to ponder the response before he peeled his mouth open, only remaining quiet when the chime of the door seemed to settle into the space. It left Classic to sigh a breath of relief as he snagged the notepad, giving a partial smile as he passed by Ccino; who was a bit bothered that Classic evaded his question. But then again, that was also who Classic was. With all the years of their friendship, he'd learned that firsthand.

That said, Classic shifted past some tables, not really peering upward as he came to the table that he'd noticed the stranger take a seat. It left him to spin the pen in his hold, gaze shifting toward the outdoors as his voice filled the space, falling over the guest. "Welcome to Little Drop Cafe. What can I get you today? A drink? Food?"

The silence seemed to hang, only confusing Classic as he finally allowed his focus to shift. His mistake. Truth be told, he found his hands releasing the pen, the material hitting the floor and rolling a bit closer to the guest. Touching lightly along a foot that was enveloped in goop that seemed familiar. It left Classic to open his mouth, but failed to find his words as none other than Nightmare spoke up. "I'll take a drink, if that's fine by you."

Classic didn't know what to say, leaving him frozen as he couldn't determine what his expression read. Was it surprise? Anger? Contempt? He couldn't accurately tell and it left that silence all the more overwhelming as he viewed Nightmare. Watched the other reach down and pick up the pen, holding it toward Classic without much else tacked onto it. Only a smile that was hard to place. It was oddly calm, compared to what Classic saw as normal for Nightmare. "I... Uh, I- I didn't expect you to actually come to the cafe..."

"I figured. Seemed to give you quite the shock." Classic simply nodded, taking the pen before he leaned along the table and took the other side of the booth. His expression only seemed to concern Nightmare, which was odd for Classic to visualize. "I can leave if it's a problem... I just figured I gave enough time before I came back. I wanted to make things right, and start fresh."

"You don't have to leave, just surprised more than anything. I figured you'd avoid this place, that's all. It's not like it's safe being in public, after all." Nightmare nodded slightly, his gaze shifting toward the other that was at the register. They seemed to eye Nightmare, leaving him to pull a smile along his features. He breathed a sigh of relief when those eyelights shifted from him, leaving his focus to once more fall onto Classic. Who in all honesty, seemed completely lost.

"I was planning to avoid this place in the beginning, trust me. But I got talking with a close friend and he convinced me otherwise. Said it would be better to completely straighten everything out." Classic made an understanding motion before he spoke, his voice washing over Nightmare in a sort of calmness that was a bit welcoming. Even if the two had their differences with the other in the past.

"This the same friend that made you apologize?" Nightmare nodded once more, leaving Classic to sigh silently. Truth was, Nightmare wasn't sure what to expect. He planned to be shoved away, but Classic gave off a bit of a different air. It was a bit more friendly then the past, that was for sure.

"I came today to also finalize that apology. To prove I meant it, not just that it was caused by someone else's words. I genuinely want to start over, since I'm at fault for how I reacted. I was too quick to act, but the criminal life does that. You're always on edge..." Classic seemed to ponder the words, a soft sort of smile pulling along his features as Nightmare viewed his rise to his heels. It was a bit confusing at first, at least until words reached him. So faint, yet warm. So welcoming and comforting in a small cafe that Nightmare had to admit, was such a peaceful place.

"To let you know, I already planned to accept forgiveness. I can't excuse what you did, but I can let you prove that your words hold meaning. As for always being on edge, when you're in Little Drop Cafe, there's no need to worry. This place is supposed to feel like home." Nightmare gave a faint nod, leaving Classic to press the pen to his paper, his gaze interlocking with Nightmares. A gaze that he had to admit was filled with a firm resolve. "Now then, let's get you something to drink, shall we? We can start fresh over something warm or chilled... Though, I'd need a name to call you."

There was a momentary confusion before Nightmare understood. Knew what Classic was doing. It left him to smile faintly, his expression much more enjoyable. Classic was truly offering him a new start, from the very beginning. He was discarding the past completely. It left Nightmare to laugh lightly, his voice filling the gap that drew a bigger smile along the other's features. "You can call me Nightmare. How about you choose something, since you're knowledgeable on drinks here. I'm sure I'll like whatever you choose..."

Classic seemed to fill the silence, placing the notepad into his apron before he turned on his heels, his voice lingering toward Nightmare. Embracing him lightly as those words held such a sweetness that Nightmare seemed to finally notice. "Name's Classic. I'll have that drink in a moment, Nightmare."


Hope you're enjoying this story so far! Leave feedback, since it's always appreciated. It's a huge help to me. <3

Humerous Temptations - DarkHumor (Nightmare x Classic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon