𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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 By the next morning, Classic had found himself waking closer to noon. It left his body a bit heavy as he shifted his feet over the edge, letting them press along the cool wood. Rising, he rocked briefly before peering into the mirror stationed along his wall. Taking note of his appearance. He was truly a wreck. His dark eyes and expression that said 'I lack sleep and happiness'. Rubbing his hands along his skull, he wandered toward the door, pulling it free as he descended the stairwell, not paying mind to the countless cats that circled him.

He had reached the bottom floor, taking note of the many customers that were seated around, leaving Classic to contemplate heading back upstairs. But he still had duties. He couldn't simply ignore them. It ultimately left him to grab a spare apron as he tied it, forcing a small smile as he entered the cafe from the back.

The sounds of the door seemed to alert Ccino, who was ringing up an order. It wasn't hard for Classic to notice that Ccino was behind. That he had yet to be able to serve the drinks to those that already paid. It ultimately left Classic to pick up the tray, ignoring the concerned glance from his friend. He appreciated the kindness, truly. But working was a way to ease his mind. Maybe it would allow him to forget the thoughts that weighed on him. If only...

He knew full well that nothing would change his situation. He was caught in a web and there wasn't an escape. He could run from the problems, but even he knew they would catch up. They always did.

Stopping at the designated tables, Classic passed off the drinks. He honestly wanted to just curl back up. Even so, he approached the last table of the current orders, setting the drink down before he seemed to hear a familiar voice. One that didn't cause him fear, but almost a small hint of hope. As if that hope meant a thing. Fun fact; it didn't. "Classic... You look unwell today. Is everything okay after the past incidents?"

Classic pondered an answer, sighing low as he nodded, just hoping to avoid conversation. He was especially tired today. "I'm fine. Just not sleeping properly."

"That's bad for your health... Have you tried sleeping supplements?" There was a lingering silence, Classic nodding. In truth, Classic once took sleeping aids. Some powerful ones. But he started becoming dependent on them and with his lows in life, he'd even attempted to take too many. Ccino had caught on and stopped him, but he had been close in the past. "You know, I'm here to listen if anything's wrong. You don't have to be afraid to come to the police."

If only Dream knew. It left Classic in a lingering silence before he found his words, venom laced into each one. He hadn't intended to snap back, but he couldn't deny that he was oddly irked with people prying into his matters. He'd found himself in his situation, so it wasn't for anyone else to involve themselves. "No offense, but I don't need the police. Never have. Never will."

"Classic... The police are here to help. I don't want to pry, but-"

"Then don't. I'm leaving to get back to working. If you're needed, you'll know." Dream stayed silent, nodding as he stared toward the table. It left Classic to turn on his heels, marching toward the back before Ccino caught him along the way, concern and confusion present.

"Classic... Are you alright? Where are you going?" Truthfully, Classic wanted air. He wanted to get away. Away from the people. Away from the eyes. In truth, he wanted to get away from life; but that was harder said than done.

"I'm getting some fresh air. I'm still not at my best today, Ccino..." The other seemed to understand, viewing Classic undo his apron before it was placed on the counter. Without another word, Classic wandered toward the back, slipping into the alley beyond. It left Ccino alone, his expression laced in a sorrow that was so foreign to a face that normally held such a calming smile.

Humerous Temptations - DarkHumor (Nightmare x Classic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora