𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

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Classic never had luck. He knew that from the very beginning. He also knew that tragedy seemed to follow him. It was probably why he wasn't all that shocked to have run into the same stranger. His luck always ran out in the end. That said, it didn't change that he was in public, and the stranger had still approached him. It was a risk, after everything. Even so, Classic couldn't do much in his state. If he tried to teleport, he'd just end up dragging the other along with him and that wouldn't get him anywhere. So, he stayed quiet as he viewed the stranger take the spot beside him, tentacle still wrapped around Classic's body. "You're rather annoying to find, I must say. Every chance kept getting interrupted by something; be it cops or that friend of yours! I was rather close to just killing that companion of yours, truthfully."

Those words sent a sort of anger through Classic, leaving him to glare toward the other. Of course, it only earned him a snicker and grin from his captor of sorts. "I don't mind being hassled and whatnot but keep away from my friend. I won't hesitate to strike back, should you do something to them."

"Some big words for someone rather... Well, small. Miniscule, even. Still, I value your courage. Seems we got off to a bad start, huh?" Classic's expression said it all, leaving the stranger to shrug before he carried on, his voice rather soothing. Granted, Classic would heavily deny that claim. "So, tell me something, Classic. I saw you speaking with the cops after I left the house. What did you say?"

Those few words were beyond chilled, leaving Classic to take in the bloodlust he felt. How it made his spine tingle and legs tremble with an ounce of fear. Ccino hadn't been entirely wrong in his words. Classic wasn't a fighter and was rather weak. Beyond his teleportation, he didn't have much else. He would be titled as someone 'normal'. "I-"

"Do try not to lie. It's easy to know and I don't appreciate being lied to. It'll only make my choices easier." Classic swallowed the dryness of his throat, nodding as he let his gaze slip elsewhere.

"I wasn't planning on it. I didn't tell the police anything. Just the basic stuff, that there was someone that I didn't see clearly. Told them I left before I could be dragged into it." There was a lingering silence as Classic could feel the way the tentacle shifted. How it wrapped a bit tighter, slipping along his neck and tugging along his chin. It left him to view the stranger, whose expression was hard to read. That, or he had a killer poker face.

"I see. Most would have been honest, so why weren't you? It's hard to believe someone whose life was at risk would play it off as something insignificant. Is it bravery or stupidity? I wonder." Classic couldn't help but grimace, leaving him to see the twisted smile along the others features. It left that grimace to fall as the stranger seemed to get a bit closer, close enough that few inches remained between them. "Still, I can't help but be intrigued by both. How about we start this over, huh?"

If Classic didn't value his life, he'd have refused. The stranger was the scummiest individual he'd met. But he did value his life, and this was a rather good offer, minus the fact it meant that the stranger might become chummy with him. Which only left a bitter taste. "I don't have much of a choice, right?"

"Right you are. Now then, names Nightmare. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Classic felt how that tentacle tapped his cheek, leaving him vexed for the most part.

"Classic, and pleasure isn't mine. Are we done here?" Nightmare seemed to contemplate the question before he smiled, whatever that meant. In the end, Classic felt the tentacle receding, leaving a bit of hope. It had nearly been off before it seemed to wrap along his neck, pressing him into the bench and straining his back. Nightmare seemed to stand, looming over Classic with that smile that was colder than ice. That gave off nothing but bad vibes.

"I dare say, I'd watch your tone with me. I am letting you go, but I'm still watching you. Slip up and rat me out, and you'll regret it." Classic felt his breath straining as he spoke choked words, tears gathering in his sockets.

Humerous Temptations - DarkHumor (Nightmare x Classic)Where stories live. Discover now