Chapter Twelve - A Witch Or A Vampire

Start from the beginning

He looked up at me, his expression still giving nothing away. "Axel, are you sure, you wanna do this?"

Why the fuck was he talking to me like I'm some fucking child. I know what I'm doing, I know what I ordered him to do! "Lachlan, I'm paying you, you don't get to ask questions, just do your fucking job and tell me if it's Chloe!"

He nodded and gestured to the couch. "Sit, make yourself comfortable first. You may be paying me, but I still care about you, you son of a bitch"

I sat down and waited for him to fucking say something. He placed a hand over the first file and slid it towards me. I tried to pick it up but he slammed his hand over it.

"Rosalie Miller..." he started. "In this file, is the real Rosalie Miller, according to her birthdate, she is 102 years old and dead"

He finally takes his hand off the file and I immediately flipped through the pages.

"She died of cancer exactly five years, two months, and eleven days ago, aged ninety-seven..." he slid another file towards me. "...and exactly ten days after her death," he tapped the other file. "The same Rosalie Miller, with the same social security number, started working in the Anarchy Nightclub. Unless she's a witch, who got magically resurrected, and then drank the blood of little children to make herself a twenty-three-year-old bombshell again, this doesn't make any sense or she could be a vampire. A witch or a vampire?"

I opened the second file, and abruptly, my insides froze, ice ran through my veins, chilling me to the bone. The face on the first page is the face I know. Even after all these years, even after she has grown, matured, changed, I still know it's her.

Her green eyes looked straight into the camera, her plump lips accentuated with the red lipstick. Her skin was as pale as ever. It seems like she is naked in the picture as she had her arm crossed over her chest, the mole on the side of her neck was on full display. I ran my fingers over her picture. It's her... It's her.

Still, the beautiful, bright woman she always was. Even at sixteen, when she first came into my life, she felt so much more sophisticated than all the girls around her age. My chest tightened, it was suffocating me. My eyes burned with tears, and I don't want to cry, but the sight of her took me back to our little apartment.

"That's not all, Axel" he slid the third file before me. "Chloe Jones has been declared dead long ago, your father held a very public funeral but three and a half years ago, some unknown man asked for her school records. The strange part is, the Richmonte High policy requires you to put in a request, sign some bullshit forms, and even after all that you get the school records within 45 days"

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. "So?"

"This guy never put in a request, he came directly to the school and acquired her school records on the spot" he snapped his fingers. "Just like that!" he leaned back on the couch and gave me a smug look. "You sure you wanna hear the next part?"

He was testing my patience. "Just fucking tell me, Lachlan!"

"Chloe Jones graduated from a night school three years ago, and that night school is only a fifteen minutes drive away from the Anarchy nightclub." He chuckled. "Axel, it's her, man. It's your girlfriend Chloe"

Something happened inside of me when Lachlan said your girlfriend Chloe, something that knocked the wind out of my sails. I felt something in my chest, no... not in my chest, particularly where my heart used to reside. I don't have it, she took my heart with her, but the spot where it used to beat, I feel something there.

I laughed. It's was a nice feeling. I honestly forgot everything around me, I found myself slipping back in time. The time when I first saw her... passed out over a cash register in a store where she used to work. The first time, I asked her out and we went to lunch, and the next day she said she only went out with me because she was hungry. "Don't get any ideas" she had snapped.

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