Chapter Nineteen

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Skylar's Perspective
I stared at her. Tears welled in my eyes. Luna used to be my other half, my twin, and now she was like a stranger. I felt like I had lost everything. I began to weep. I had thought I would find everything once I found Luna.
"Why don't you three come to camp so we can sort everything out." A boy said.
He had tan hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.
"Yeah, let's go to camp Spencer." Mozale interjected. "I'm dying for some rabbit stew."
Mozale and the boy strode off towards a pathway. I huffed. This wasn't how the reunion was supposed to go for me. My sister wasn't the same. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. I felt my head hurt and I closed my eyes. The world seemed to spin and tilt sideways. I didn't know what was real or fake anymore.
"Skylar, you don't look good. Get her to camp!" Luna shouted out an order.
I fell backwards, it seemed like everything was in slow motion and the whole world was underwater. Everything was so far away. Two strong hands grabbed me before I fell. I hoped it was James that had caught me.
I awoke in a weird fabric tent. I couldn't remember what had happened. I looked down at my bed of feathers, fur, straw, and other material. Eww! I cried out in my head. I bolted straight up and looked around. I was confused and dazed. A massive headache splintered through my forehead. Where am I? I questioned. Then I remembered why I had fainted. My sister was a knight killer. She seemed heartless. She wasn't a warrior or some great hero. I didn't know her anymore at all.
A girl with purple and black hair came into the tent. She smiled when she saw that I was awake. A black wolf came in after her. I shrieked and crawled away.
"Oh, sorry! This is Darkstorm and I'm Zoey." Zoey introduced herself and the wolf.
"Where's Luna?" I whimpered.
"Oh, she's in her treehouse. She put you in here with me because I'm her best friend and she trusts me. It's only dawn. She figured you'd be up early, and I'm always up running with wolves, so that's also why you're in my teepee." Zoey rambled, "Besides you wouldn't want to be dragged up into her treehouse while you were knocked out and unconscious."
I shivered. Zoey stood there petting her wolf. She had long wavy black and purple hair. I wondered how she had colored her hair. She wore clothes made out of a tan furry fabric. She had on a black belt that had a knife wedged in it. She was quite different from anyone I'd ever met.
"Why does Luna love freaks?" I exclaimed.
"Luna doesn't judge anyone. I can't believe that she's the sister of a jerk." Zoey grumbled. "You look cold, there's a campfire outside."
I could have left it that way. Though I couldn't seem to bite my tongue.
"You can't believe she's sisters with me? I'm not a jerk, I'm a princess. I can't believe she's friends with rude forest people!"
"We aren't 'forest' people. I used to be a princess too." Zoey replied.
"You're forest people to me. You all live in the woods." I said.
"Spencer is the only one around here who grew up in the woods. Don't call any of the forest people rude. They mind their own business. Unless you want Elana and I yelling at you for making fun of Spencer." Zoey growled.
"Elana?" I asked. "Spencer? Who are these people?"
"Do you need a run down of who's who?" Zoey grumbled.
"Yes?" I whimpered.
"Elana. The elf. She loves my boyfriend Spencer. She should stay away from him, and so should you." Zoey glared at me, "Now go! Breakfast should be soon."
I shivered again and walked out of Zoey's tent. From the outside I could tell that it was a teepee. I wondered how she had gotten it. Roka was sitting at an oak table on a tree stump as a chair. It was so weird to see the objects they had made. James walked into camp with Mozale. She grinned at me and I looked away. I didn't want to see the girl who had betrayed me. Mozale had broken my trust. I wondered what she was doing with James? Zoey and Darkstorm trotted over to Roka.
"Roka, anything ready for breakfast, yet?" Zoey asked.
"Wait until Spencer and Elana come back from hunting." He replied.
She bristled at the mention of Elana, he yawned, completely oblivious. I didn't know who to talk to, James was sitting down with Mozale the trickster and betrayer. He didn't know that I had overheard Mozale planning to laugh about Luna being a knight killer.
Roka was a stranger. He was an elf. I didn't have anything in common with him. I doubted Zoey would have much more to say to me. We didn't get off on the right foot. I didn't get off on the right foot with any of these people.
"So, Skylar, are you feeling better?" Mozale asked.
"Mozale, I'm fine!" I snapped at her.
All I wanted was to see Luna. I glanced up towards her treehouse and wondered if she was there. Roka caught my eye as if he could read my mind.
    "Luna's out collecting herbs this morning." He said.
   "She didn't even say good morning to me." I sighed.
   "You'll get used to it." Roka said.

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