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    Poem introduction:
Far away in the cluster of stars
There were seven star sisters
In the galaxy of the Pleiades
On the planet Maia
A long time ago
In our eternal timeframe
There was
A lost girl
But which sister was lost?

                              Luna's Perspective:
    The storm outside shook even the castle walls. Objects banged against the walls. I knew my time to leave was now. I feared abandoning everyone I knew and starting my new life. The storm threatened to hold me back. I knew no rain or hail could stop me.
I donned my blue cloak. With the storm I would be hidden in plain sight in the dark night. I heard guards clanging their swords together. They were either practicing or having fun. I knew they were restless. It annoyed me that they craved to fight. No one would notice me leaving though, which was good. Rose's prophecy still rang in my ears.

    "The Oracle split across all time, will stop all crime."
    I knew that I was the Oracle, but I didn't know what it meant yet. I had to go find out. Magic had been banned in my kingdom, the Diamond Kingdom. They followed Christianity only. No one was allowed to practice magic. A feeling tingled through my fingers as if begging to be let loose. I had to learn to use my powers.

    I headed to the horse stables. I prayed that Skylar wasn't out there. My sister wouldn't understand me leaving at all. It hurt that I couldn't say goodbye to her. I waltzed through the courtyard. Nobody else was outside in this storm. I fought my way to the stables.

    My best friend, William, was waiting for me. He was the only one who truly understood. We had practiced magic spells together in secret. He was ready for me with a saddled horse. It was a horse fit for a warrior. I smiled as he brought the horse to me.

    "I'm going to miss you, Luna." He sniffled.

     "I will always miss you, William."

    "I love you, Luna."

    "I love you too."

   I didn't want to cry as I left. I leaned in and hugged him. He grabbed my waist firmly. I regretted loving the stable boy already. I was leaving him with a broken heart. I knew I had to go, and he couldn't come with me.

    He helped me up into the saddle. He slapped the horse's side. She reared up. He waved goodbye to me as I rode off into the distance to never be seen again.

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