Chapter Eleven

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Skylar's Perspective
"We should rest over there tonight, we don't know the next time we'll find a sheltered area," said Prince James.
He pointed towards a big cave.
"What if there's a bear in there?" I asked.
Prince James picked up a small branch and threw it into the cave for me. All was still.
"I assure you it'll be best to go in the cave." James said to me.
We stayed on our horses so they couldn't run away. I couldn't sleep. I shivered as cold air came into the cave. I wasn't used to wearing just my riding dress. I wished for the warmth of my petticoat and surcoat. I wished for the warmth of my bed. Eventually the millions of thoughts pooled down to one single plan. We were going to find Luna. Fear shuddered through my body. What if we didn't find her?
Somehow I started to doze off. I had nightmares of being alone. It terrified me that I wouldn't find Luna.
"Princess, rise and shine." James's voice woke me up.
The morning sun filled the cave. I looked down at Prince James from my horse. His face was lit by the golden rays. His golden hair shone.
I gasped, "The sun has already risen."
Prince James just shrugged. I feared that a search party would be out for us soon. I knew we had to get rid of our horses' bridles and silver adorned saddles. I also felt like I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. Crap. I thought to myself. I knew my father would wonder where we had gone.
"Listen, we need to get rid of the bridles, reins, and saddles," I insisted, "To look like poor peasants, hurry and put them in our cave."
I hurled my bridle and reins into the cave. Prince James lifted up my saddle and set it gently down on the cave ground. He was taking forever! Prince James scooped up some mud and threw it on my face. I screamed until he covered my mouth with his dirty hand.
"You can't be clean. We need to be muddy like the peasants, who don't get to have baths everyday." He told me.
I bit down on his hand. He scowled and went to his horse. He flung the saddle off of his horse. Then slowly took out the bridle for his horse. I waited impatiently for him with my foot tapping the ground. I made sure he wiped plenty of mud on his face as well.
We traveled through the forests. Some of the landscape was difficult. Tree branches would hang low. Some had whacked me in the face. James did his best to lead me through and hold branches back for me.
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem." He replied.
I liked that he was a traditional prince. I really hoped that he meant it when he said he loved me. I wanted to marry someone who was like me. Eventually James and I found a secluded garden. It had beautiful pink and purple flowers. A small stream ran through the wildflowers. I watched butterflies fly through the garden. As the horses drank I admired the butterflies. They had beautiful wings. I wished I could fly like them. James approached me nervously. He engulfed me in a hug. He felt warm in the sun.
"I've been in love with you since I was five years old. They chose the wrong girl when I was six. When I was sixteen I blamed myself for your sister leaving. I'm so sorry." James said.
"It's not your fault. You don't have to say you're sorry." I said.
I hugged him back. His arms were wrapped around me tightly. I felt tears fall down my arms. For once I was surprised; it wasn't me who was crying. I was smiling. Someone had been in love with me forever. I hadn't even noticed. Now his shyness made more sense.
I stared into his big blue eyes. He leaned closer to me until his nose touched mine. His lips traced mine softly. I leaned into his kiss. When we eventually pulled away he stood there breathless.
"I never thought I could have you." I said.
"I never thought I could have you either." He replied.
"Now you can get what you want." I smiled.
"Princess Skylar, I'm in love with you." He smiled. "I won't stop until we get what you want too. We'll find Luna."
I held his hand as we watched our horses and took in the scenery. I felt at peace with him. I had finally found someone who cared about me and what had happened to my sister. I hoped my sister would forgive me for wanting to marry James. I wondered why she had run away. Was Prince Charming telling the truth?
"So do you think Luna's a warrior?" I asked.
"She could be." James shrugged.
"I just can't see it." I commented.
"Me neither." James replied.
We rode through a clearing and then after that was yet another forest. My horse was unused to the long amount of riding. She was sweating and panting. Her legs were scraped from thorny plants. I looked across the clearing. I realized the trees and plants started to look burnt, black, and deadly. Chills went up my spine. Maybe we can go around the forest, surely Luna wouldn't go into these woods, I thought to myself. I softly prodded Stella's belly to make her move. Then a woman with blood red colored hair blocked my pathway. Where did she come from? I questioned.
"Could you please move, ma'am?" I asked her politely.
"No!" the woman snapped.
"Please." I begged her. "You are blocking the trail."
"Didn't you hear me? I said No. N-O." She snarled.
I frowned at her, as any princess does when they're mad. James steered his horse off the trail. He looked down at the woman.
"Lady, we're looking for a runaway princess." he explained.
He looked around anxiously. The dark forest creeped him out too. I just wanted to get moving. We had to find a way around if this lady wouldn't move.
"Took you long enough." she muttered and smiled wickedly.
My eyebrows arched up as I waited for her to continue or explain, but she didn't. She stood there with a dazed expression, and she stared past us. Apparently the arrival of two royals didn't excite her. I reminded myself that I didn't look royal. I twitched with the dry mud on my face.
"Do you know Princess Luna?" I prompted her.
"Yes, of course I do." She said rudely, "You look a lot like her."
"I'm her twin sister. I'm Princess Skylar." I said.
"Name's Mozale." She said flatly.
"Nice to meet you." I responded.
I almost said it sarcastically, but it would've been rude. A good princess doesn't do anything that is rude. As a good princess I had spotted the truth. She knew my sister's face so she knew mine. I could trust this woman somewhat. One thing was for sure she knew Luna.
"Hello, nice to meet you, I am Prince James by the way." He introduced himself.
I could've laughed at his awkwardness, but suddenly a green dragon flew down. It landed near Mozale. She seemed unbothered. I began to scream. I hadn't realized that they were real. I had never seen a dragon before in real life. I felt my whole reality break into a million pieces. The dragon's huge scaly head stared at me with snake-like eyes. I was afraid of it breathing fire. I had read that they did that. I wanted to go home already where I would be safe. I hid behind Prince James. Mozale began to approach the dragon casually.
"Stand back, ladies." Prince James yelled.
He pulled out his silver sword and shouted a war cry at the dragon. The way he stood I could tell why Bruce didn't bring his brother hunting. I almost began to laugh. I wondered if the dragon was harmless. It just watched James wave his sword through the air. Mozale stepped in between them. She had her own idea.
"Bean," she yelled, "Go away!"
The dragon roared. It shook its' large green head. Mozal muttered something of a different language under her breath. The dragon vanished into thin air. I gasped. She did magic. That had been outlawed in my kingdom for the good of our people. I stepped back from her.
"Oh yeah, by the way I'm an evil witch." she said icily.
"Yes! I get to meet an evil witch!" Prince James hollered.
I was offended that he was so down with someone so evil and flashy with their magic. We didn't know anyone who practiced magic. At least I hoped not. I reminded myself that the Northern Mountain Kingdom had banned magic as well. We would be safe when we found Luna and got back home.
"Yes, I'm very cool. What's her problem?" Mozale said to James.
"My problem? I do not have a problem." I huffed.
"It seems like you do. Are you lost?" Mozale asked me.
"I am! I'm looking for my sister, Princess Luna."
Suddenly the world transformed into darkness. It started to fade away. I reached my fingertips out to try to move. I felt myself fall from my horse. I cried out for Stella. My vision blurred and then ceased.
I awoke from a nap. I blinked. I was staring at a dark forest in front of me. The journey flooded back into my memory. Panic built up. I looked around. James was pacing back and forth. His eyes locked with mine. He saw me on the ground. I sat up. There was no trace of Mozal or our horses. I began to cry. I needed to find Stella.
"Mozal's gone! We need her to find Princess Luna!" He cried out, "She left while we were asleep."
"Maybe she put us to sleep to steal our horses!" I exploded with frustration.
"How was I supposed to know that?" He exclaimed with exasperation.
I shot a look of daggers at him. Sometimes he could be a huge airhead. I wondered if just empty space rented his brain. I huffed angrily and folded my arms. I didn't know what else to do. I had felt so close to finding something out about my sister. Now I was back at square one. I felt like it was all James' fault.
"Let's try to find her and our horses." James said.
"Sounds like a plan." I replied sourly.

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