31~The Confessions

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"Thalia?" Edith asked me, while she not-so-gently dragged a hairbrush through my hair, I suppressed a yelp as she tugged on a particularly knotty section of my hair. Cate was sat in the corner with Ignatius, listening to him as he told her all about his week at school, every so often Cate would look over at Edith and I and I'd see that look in her eyes.

That look of love. 

It was so special and every time I'd see it my heart would explode out of pure infatuation. "Edith, honey?" I asked her, making the effort to stay still since last time I'd moved she'd hit me over the head with the hairbrush. Too Cate's utter amusement.

Roman and Dashiell were playing a game on the console, bickering like children do. Roman was red in the face, even though he seemed like a sweet boy he seemed to get upset whenever he lost.

Edith stood on a little stool so she could reach me, even when I had sat down she was still a bit too short. "Are you and my mummy in love?" She asked me, pausing for a second and jumping off of her stool to sit opposite me on the carpeted floor.

It was then the living room went silent, Ignatius had stopped talking, Roman had stopped shouting at Dashiell and they'd paused the game. It seemed like everyone wanted to know the answer to this question, probably even Cate and I to be honest.

I looked over at Cate, suddenly becoming panicked, Cate seemed to be equally alarmed as she let out a nervous laugh and stood up. She came over to Edith and I, seeming to want to diffuse the situation, "Edie, sweetheart," Cate laughed nervously and kneeled down to lift her daughter up.

"It's a valid question, mum," Dashiell said, suddenly, putting down his controller and standing to approach Cate and I. 

Cate sighed, as if she had been expecting this question from the moment her children walked through the door. I only wished I could be of more help, the truth was I didn't know. All I knew was that Cate and I were...

It was then it hit me, what were Cate and I?

We hadn't really spoken about it and if I was being honest, I wasn't entirely sure I was ready to. I liked it the way it was, I liked how it was and I didn't really want anything to change.

We'd been backed into a corner, forced to come to terms with the fact that neither of us really knew what was going on. 

So I cleared my throat, I had to stop running away and avoiding things when it came to Cate. Clearly there was something strong between us and I was willing to explore that further, I wanted anything and everything I could have with Cate. 

In that moment I made a decision, I wanted Cate and I believed she was all I would ever want. I was set on it.

"Yes," I said suddenly, and everyone's eyes were on me. Cate seemed shocked, her eyes were wide and her bottom lip had been taken hostage between her teeth. "Your mother and I," I began, standing up and moving over to Cate before sliding a hand around her waist, "we are in love," 

And that was that.

Edith was the first the first one to say anything, her little face broke out into a huge grin and then she squealed happily. "So is Thalia my second mummy now?" She didn't rally direct her question towards anyone, my heart thudded loudly in my chest. A pang of what I could only describe as longing shot through me, I wanted someone to say yes. 

But everyone just stayed silent. No one moved, no one spoke, not a single sound except for Cate's laboured breaths.

Cate's laboured breaths.

I paused, looking over at the woman I'd sort of just confessed my love for, and she seemed to be clutching her chest. Struggling to hold onto her child with one arm, taking Edith from her I set her in her brother's arms.

"Mum!?" Ignatius panicked, running over to her and taking her hand. 

I could see her eyes, she was far away, not here at all. I had to get her out of her and alone. Only thinking about Cate in that moment I rushed over and once again looped an arm around her waist, dragging her out of the room and away from the questions.

I took her up the stairs and into our bedroom. Hopefully Dashiell could keep the kids occupied for a few minutes.

"Cate," I whispered, taking her face in my hands, running my thumbs against the softness of her cheeks. Her blue eyes were glassy and I wasn't surprised when a tear spilled over and suddenly she was sobbing, she had thrown her arms around me and had buried her head into my shirt, soaking it with her fresh tears.

I ran my hands down her back, I wanted so badly to take away all the pain and hurt she was feeling. "I'm sorry, Thalia," she spluttered and I was instantly confused, why was she apologising? What had she done? "I shouldn't have let them come around, you didn't need to do that, I don't want to lie to them,"

And for a second I was hurt, she didn't love me? "Cate, I wasn't lying," I told her softly, running my hands through her soft hair. "You know me, I wouldn't have said anything like that unless I knew it was true," 

"But," she started, "this is big, I don't want you to feel overwhelmed, my life is a mess and it seems like you're the only stable thing. I just," she faltered momentarily, looking up at me and when she did her eyes were puffy and red but her gaze was intense. 

Whatever was about to come out of her mouth next, was going to be nothing but the truth. "I don't want to lose you, Thalia," she breathed. And then...

"I love you,"

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