19~The Sleepover

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Cate's P.O.V

"Are you sure you can handle her?" Amy, Thalia's lovely friend asked me as she looked at Thalia who was currently passed out on my dining room table.

I looked back at her too, her dark hair was fanned around her head like some sort of halo. How did she always manage to look so breathtaking?

I looked back over at Amy who was supporting Jasper with one arm around his middle, he'd also happened to drink a little too much wine.

It was pleasant to discover that Thalia had a nice pair of friends, even though they teased her they still cared for her immensely.

"Oh, no, I'm sure I can manage," I told her, smiling widely at her as she lugged Jasper over to the front door. I followed them, stopping breifely to look back at Thalia to check she was okay.

"Like babysitting!" Jasper slurred loudly, throwing an arm up which hit Amy on the way back down.

"Ow, stop it you twat," Amy hissed at him and he just grinned, he seemed to be extremely out of it.

"Thank you for having us around Cate, the meal was lovely and it was amazing to meet you," Amy grinned, she did seem genuinely ecstatic to meet me.

I shrugged a shoulder and smiled geuniely happy I'd met both of them, "of course, it was lovely meeting you too," a part of me wanted Amy and Jasper to leave, just so I could go back and look after Thalia.

I don't know how but she had managed to wedge her way into my heart, it seemed she didn't know how she'd managed it either.

She struggled with her own emotions for me, I could tell. Somehow I'd managed to elicit some type of strong emotion she wasn't familiar with.

I could tell from the way she'd watch me, unaware she was even doing it in the first place. Or how she'd look away when I made eye contact and let her know how I felt, I liked how she seemed to be able to read what I felt for her.

It made things a lot easier, it made everything seem a lot more genuine.

It was a good start, I wasn't even sure I was ready to let another person into my heart again. I didn't even know if I could.

I waved Amy and Jasper off and then hurried back into the dining room, Thalia seemed to have woken up a bit and was attempting to stand up.

I laughed softly and went over to support her, I had to admit I had been teasing her quite a bit. Not just with my hand on her thigh but with the way I'd look at her, I felt like she just needed a little push and then all those emotions she kept locked up would flood from her.

"Cate?" She mumbled, her eyes still closed, she rested her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her waist to hold her to me securely.

"Mm?" I hummed as I held her tightly so she didn't fall, having her against me like this made me feel a plethora of things.

Things I never thought I'd feel again after what happened last time.

I waited patiently for Thalia's answer and eventually she said something, something that for some reason warmed my heart.

"Okay, I was just making sure it was you," she slurred, drunkenly, but I still managed to catch what she said.

For some reason it sent fireworks shooting through me, I felt needed by her and it honestly made me so happy.

"Alright, darling, let's get you into bed," I murmured, I'd made the decision that I'd let Thalia stay over. I definitely wasn't letting her drive back and I didn't feel like driving either, so instead I began my attempt to get Thalia into the guest room.

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