Welcome To the Party, Tiger ...!

Beginne am Anfang

Everyone is so excited about the baby and looking forward to meeting him. And especially Jace. Every night he lies down between Mary's legs, rests his head on her thigh, touches her belly with his cheek and talks to him for hours telling him how much he loves him and his mother. He talks about the future. About the things they'll do together. That he'll teach him to play tennis and golf, piano, chess, and backgammon. He also talks about his dreams - that one day he'll run the company and make it even bigger and stronger than it is today. Mary listens to him, smiles, and strokes his hair.

~ * ~


~ 00.01 am ~JACE & MARY's HOME ~

Jace is sitting in the living room reading a book when Mary comes out of the kitchen, clasping her hands behind her back to hide something

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Jace is sitting in the living room reading a book when Mary comes out of the kitchen, clasping her hands behind her back to hide something. He lifts his head from the book and looks at her with a smile.

Jace: What are you hiding back there, Angel?

Mary: A little surprise.

Jace: For me?

Mary: For who else?

Jace: Yay! I love surprises! Come on, come on! Show me!

Mary laughs.

Mary: Sometimes you can be such a big baby!

Jace: A baby who can't wait! Show me! Show me!

Mary: Okay. Close your eyes.

Jace sits down cross-legged and closes his eyes. Mary walks up to him and kneels in front of him. She grimaces and bites her lip as another sharp pain in her lower back hits her. She's been having this kind of pain since this afternoon, but she hasn't said anything to Jace so as not to scare him. Besides, the doctor told her that she'll have this kind of pain when she goes into labor. When the pain is over, she reaches her hands forward.

Mary: Okay, my Prince. You can open your beautiful eyes now.

Jace opens his eyes and a bright smile appears on his lips. The surprise was nothing but a small handmade cake with only a candle on top.

 The surprise was nothing but a small handmade cake with only a candle on top

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The ☀️God And The ⭐️ Maid - Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt