Chapter 14

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"What are your plans for the weekend?" Raj asked casually while looking up at the sky. They were just sitting on a bench in a park and looking at the sky while enjoying the calm breeze.

"I don't know. We are all really busy these days." Raj just nodded at her answer and they went back to star gazing. Just then her phone pinged,notifying that there is a message.

Miss beautiful : Not really missing me?

The message brought a smile on her face and she realized that really how much busy she was these days. Growing up we get so involved in our lives that we don't even get enough time to call our friends.

Sanjukta Biswas. Her best friend and only friend who stayed with her for all these years. Riya and Sanju were together since first grade. But after 10th standard they were separated because of different choices in subjects. And with Sanju choosing MBBS as career goal and Riya invested in her studies and job their contacts grew lesser with each passing day. But we all know that a good relationship doesn't requires daily conversation.

They always snatch some time from their busy schedule to be with each other. And when they talk, it feels like they have talked just yesterday, things never get awkward between them. And the conversations seems to be endless. Like they didn't talked in years, the newness is always there.

Without wasting any time she tapped the call button on her phone calling her Khargosh.

The call was picked right after two calls.

"Ah, so someone remembers me hn?" Came the teasing voice.

"Unfortunately, yes."  Riya played along. They shared a hearty laugh and then started to catch up on each other.

"So you are telling me that Ujjwal bhai is getting married and that Rakhosh is back?" Riya chuckled at the nickname and hummed in agreement.

**(Rakhosh = Monster in bengali)

"My, my. Listen here Missy. You got a lot of explanation to do." Riya chuckled and then it struck her.

"Hey! Why don't you come over for a sleepover. Come to my home. I'll even ask Rj and Rohan to come."

"That sounds fun. I will be there in a few hours." And with that they hung up.

Riya turned towards Raj who was already eyeing her curiously.

"Let's have a fun night."

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