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Ken P.O.V

I've finally graduated from college, I majored in English literature as boring as that sounds. Currently I'm on my way to LA since I got accepted to become an English teacher at this high school there that means I also have to move out from my little town. I'm sitting on the passenger front seat with Max sitting besides me and Dad sitting on the back seat with all of the boxes containing my stuff.

"We're gonna take a break in a bit.", I announced as I see the big sign of gas station plus rest area in under a mile distance. I've drove for 6 hours nonstop and I need to take a bit of breather definitely.

"Okie!", Max exclaimed besides me as he looks up from his phone. He's now 11 years old and on the final year of his elementary school. I can't believe he's already grow so much, his height is about to match mine and he's 13 years young than me.

I also turned 24 last February and honestly I don't even know what I was doing with my life even after college. I thought that maybe when I get older I'll understand more about my wants and needs yet the opposite happens. To be honest I feel like I know what I want better when I was 18.

I pull over to the rest area and park the car in front of McDonald's then just get out of the car to stretch, I could use the bathroom, I thought to myself.

"Can I go to McDonald's dad?", Max asked my dad he stepped out of the SUV and dad nod his head.

"Do you want anything Ken?", Dad ask, turning his attention to me.

"Just buy me some fries and Caesars salad, please! I gotta use the bathroom real quick.", I informed and he nod his head before I watch him walk Max to the store as I search for the public restroom. I then see a sign of bathroom and follow the sign and enter the male bathroom. I go to relieve some steams off then zip my jeans up before washing my hands and then wash my face afterwards. I look over at the mirror and see my bleached blonde hair falling down covering my eyes for a bit. I definitely need to cut it down before I teach. I hear people coming in the bathroom but paid no mind as I scroll through my message my sister sent me earlier.

Keira 💜

heyy sorry I can't tag along :((

my boss just had unexpected
meeting in Paris this morning
so i gotta fly out last night

im wishing u all the best kennyy

i'll visit u when i visit la i promise

Love u 🥰

I smile at the message she sent and I immediately reply to it, I told her not to worry about it and wish her well. I then see a message from Travis and he's currently in Dubai he's a YouTuber nowadays doing vlogs and fly all over the world being famous.


brooo i wish i was there ╥﹏╥

dubai sick tho...
*Attach picture*

It's a selfie of him and Amanda, yeah they both been together for almost 6 years now and they finally got engaged two weeks ago when they come back to the town and took a little bit of break and it was such a sweet moment.  He proposed her in the place we used to hang before aka the skateboard ring. Me and the guys helped him decorate the place to be as romantic as possible and it paid off. I saw Amanda teared up and immediately said yes and in that moment I see Travis cry in happiness as he hug Amanda.

Ken (Sequel to Barbie)Where stories live. Discover now